
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Back from West Virginia

We had a wonderful two weeks in West Virginia visiting Rusty, Jamie and our newest grandson Donnie. The weather was wonderful - except for one or two rainy days, they live in a charming, big 100 year old house. I'm still not sure just how many rooms are in the house - but it is three stories tall - so there are lots. I do love old houses, and this one is a charmer.

We took driving tours, visited with Jamie's family, went out to eat, and - played with Donnie. He is the most charming little boy. Just 4 1/2 months old, he laughs and smiles all the time - I've never seen such a smiley baby.

Oh pictures - you want pictures? OK Remember - you did ask.

Donnie and Grampy, both wearing their logger shirts . . .

Donnie and Daddy . . .

And of course we had to take some pictures in his Santa suit for their Christmas card.

I had so much fun taking pictures of Donnie. We would pile up outfits and change him into a new outfit after we had taken a lot of pictures. He never complained one bit about all the clothes changing - and was smiling and happy all the time. He is so adorable.

It was hard to leave WV and come home - but we'll go back again, soon I hope, and hopefully they will get to come out for a visit in the summer.


  1. HI Grandma!! I know you are still high on all that baby lovin'!!

    I just grinned and smiled the whole time I was looking at these photos. That little cutie just made my day!!

    So glad you are home all safe and sound!!!

  2. What adorable pictures! However I do disagree that he is the cutest baby of the year! My grandson has that honor! :-)

  3. I can see why it was hard to leave there. Oh my goodness Donnie is just so precious Jo! Loved the pic with him and his Grandpa. ~Lili

  4. Jo, he is adorable! He looks like such a happy baby. Thank you for sharing your photos with us.

  5. He's absolutely gorgeous!! Looks like you had loads of fun!

  6. What a handsome little guy and he IS a smiley one! I'm glad you had a chance to go there and visit. Do we get to see any photos of YOU with him???

  7. how sweet and precious your little grand boy is! I love the pictures in the Santa suit!

  8. Awww, your grandson Donnie is the cutest thing. He looks like he is such a good baby!

  9. He's a little sweetie - and going to bed a real charmer when he grows up I suspect:)

  10. What a gorgeous little boy, and great work capturing those precious smiles.

  11. Beautiful baby boy! Love those smiles! Grandbabies are wonderful .... i enjoyed seeing mine in PA.

  12. What great pictures of a darling little guy. I can see why there are so many!


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