
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Let's Go Back to Summer - Heron on Don's Birthday

Last September Don and I went out for dinner on his birthday. On the way home we decided to go a different route - that would take us home the back way - avoiding freeways and busy highways.

Just as we turned onto a side road we saw a Heron flying low across the road and we watched where it landed. We parked on the side of the road - and here is what we saw. Fortunately I had my new camera along.

A Great Blue Heron on the shore of a tiny pond.

Earlier in the day a neighbor and I had been standing outdoors talking and we saw something land in the top of a big tree. We couldn't make out what kind of bird it was so I ran indoors and got my new camera and we could make out the Hawk that had landed in the tree.

And with the 140x Zoom this is what we saw! Amazing!


  1. Lovely photos of the heron, I like herons. The hawk photo is great, lucky you to have a 140x zoom!

  2. That's just like the fellow that visits our ponds in hopes of catching a fish - but our fish are too quick for him this far!

  3. Henri always points out all the exciting creatures to me so I can try to capture shots of them. Seems like I never see them first, unless they are right at the end of my nose. These are great Jo! ~Lili

  4. I love the joy that your camera is bringing you, and I love the fact that you are able to zoom in on things so well. It's neat, Jo!

    I've missed you in my exile, and I wanted to stop by and wish you both a belated Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

    Love to you and yours...


    Sheila :-)

  5. Beautiful pictures! So clear and colorful.

    Happy New Year 2012

  6. Happy New Year to you both!!!!
    (I did end up buying your exact far, so good!)
    Best to you.

  7. Great shots! Herons are so photogenic in all their prehistoric glory.


Thanks for stopping by!