
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mountains and Planes

On the way back from Wisconsin we had cloudy skies most of the way, but the clouds cleared as we were approaching Bellingham for landing. Off to one side I could see Mt. Adams - it was spectacular but went by fairly fast - then up loomed Mt. Ranier - it seemed so close - and even though the pilot had already announced that we were to have all carry-on luggage stowed beneath the seat in front of us, I whipped out my camera and began taking pictures.

Now this was more difficult than usual, because I was in an aisle seat and had to aim the camera out the window - hoping to get the mountains and not the passengers' heads.
Mt. Ranier was majestic . . .
A lot farther away we could see the Olympic Mountains, but even my camera has its limits - so I was happy with Mt. Ranier, and hoped that Mt. Baker would appear on the other side of the plane.

And there she was. Her little cap of clouds - a glorious welcome home sight!

I have no idea what this mountain is - but it was beautiful too. I was taking these out of the opposite side of the plane - across the aisle and there was a mother and two young children in the seats so I had to time the photos so I got them when everyone was not leaning forward in their seats.

And once again Mt. Baker came into view - I guess we must have been circling - I took pictures until the pilot announced that the flight attendants must take their seats and prepare for landing - and I stowed my camera under the seat in front of me, like a good passenger.


  1. Gorgeous views, and your photographer was amazing! And I think that's Mount Washington with the pointy peak.

  2. Oh my Goodness Jo!! These are just breathtaking!!!

    I'm so glad you guys have had a fun summer!!!

  3. Fabulous lucky shots! Love all of them and the blues...wonderful.

  4. Love those! I flew over those same mountains last week.

  5. Amazing mountains and amazing photos!
    I know you are glad to be home!

  6. I left a comment 3 days ago...don't know what I did.
    Your photos are amazing! you live in a beautiful place!

  7. Your photos are beautiful, as usual. What a great view.

  8. Oh, wow! So beautiful!

    How are you? I've missed you. Still not back yet, but I couldn't let another day go by without dropping by to wish you a Happy Fall. Hope all is well with you, my friend.

    My email got sent a virus so that's why I'm MIA there.
    I was afraid it would mess up my blog.
    Love to you...



  9. Thanks SO much for the moral support, my friend. I have missed you terribly. My email got hacked, I think, in an efort someone made to hijack my blog. So I am not answering mail there yet. I need to get another blog email.

    Not sure what to do about this blogger issue, but I am still without a computer, I absconded with Mr. M's IPAD this moring as he packs to go out of town, but he takes this and his other to the office with him. We had enough house expenses/repairs to buy a new car, so I am sort of waiting till the sting on that settles a bit.

    Love you...




Thanks for stopping by!