Debi is having a Fall Into Fall Quilters Blog Give-Away - and I am part of that. Stop over at her blog and find out more about this. A bunch of quilters will be having give-aways and you can find links to these wonderful give-aways at Debi's blog. Hurry on over - join in the fun.
I will be giving away a nice little box of things - here is the beginning of what I'm giving - so stop by often and see what has been added to the box. The drawing will be on October 15, and to be entered in the drawing I would like to know more about you - and what is a favorite thing that you like about quilting - or a clever story about quilting - or something wonderful you have discovered while quilting. So just a comment saying "I want to be in your give-away" will NOT get you entered. I love to hear good stories - long or short - about your quilting experiences - good and not so good - so come along - leave a comment about something quilty - a favorite, a clever story or something wonderful. Let's have a good time sharing our quilty moments. If you don't have a blog - be sure and leave your email so I can contact you about your prize if you win.
The first thing I'm putting in the box is this
A set of three zippered bags mesh bags that I made with quilty fabric - the sizes are coin purse, wallet and make-up bag. You can use them for stitching supplies, buttons, coins - just about anything you would put in a little bag to keep organized.
Next item is a knit pincushion in lovely fall colors - I knit this with the help of my three year old grandson - he likes to pull the yarn out of the skein as I knit. Sometimes he gets ahead of me and we get tangles, but it is such fun to have him help. So stop by and see what else I will add to this fun box - maybe some fat quarters - maybe some quilting supplies - who knows what - and leave your comment about quilting - this is going to be fun.