And stop over at Bloggeritaville for Thrifty Thursday!
We stopped at a yard sale last Saturday - a lady had put all her stuff out on the lawn near the ponds in our community. We aren't allowed yard sales here - so we were surprised to see her there. We asked if she was from the community and she told us she was from the apartments across the road, but that this was the perfect spot for a yard sale.
We knew that soon the management of the community would see her and scare her off - but we shopped anyway. I started asking prices -

for a nice serving bowl - 25 cents, two for the price of one. . .

a cute folding sand chair that the boys could use - 25 cents . . .

some pretty silverware - 25 cents for all of it. . .

a mandolin - 25 cents - lots of extra blades for this too . . .
Everything was spread out on an old quilt and Don asked - how much for the quilt - and she said - are you ready, maybe you'd better sit down - go ahead, ohhh you already are sitting down. She said - a quarter!!!!!
Well, we couldn't get that stuff unloaded off the quilt fast enough. She apologized that the quilt was in bad shape -but I said - I can always use parts of it - and for a quarter - well, what can I say - what a deal!!!!
The edges are badly frayed on one end - I imagine that this was wrapped about some boxes and stuff in the back of a pickup on moving day and allowed to flap in the wind - from the extent of the damage I'd say it was a long trip. But most of the quilt is in fairly good shape, considering its age and the treatment it has gotten.

But I shall clip off the frayed edges and find some matching fabric to rebind the edges and it will be a happy quilt once again. After repairs it will be a good throw size for napping on the sofa.

I'm so glad we stopped at that yard sale - got some other things there too - for 25 cents each, but they were't vintage - just great deals. On the way home we noticed that the lady had moved her sale across the street to a narrow strip of grass near the apartments. I hope she sold everything, and it is pretty likely - since she had such good prices. Glad we were first.