
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Almost to 10,000 - give-away!!!

We hit 9,901 visitors this morning. I changed the counter after several blogging friends gave me advice - on how to count unique visits - and how to get stats from the counter. I guess the one I had on there was old and the stats weren't coming through any more. I've enjoyed every single visitor that has been to my blog.

So yesterday I got some great things to give away - some for the 10,000th visitor - and some for a random drawing.

Away we go - - - - -

If you leave a comment you will be included in the drawing - and even some of those who commented on past blog entries will be entered. I love comments and appreciate so much those who comment on the regular posts I do. If you list my give-away on your blog - I'll give you 2 more chances - and if someone mentions your blog as the way they found my give-away - three more entries. I'll have to be organized in my list of entries - but you know me - I love lists.

For starters - I have some preprinted quilt blocks - just the thing for a quick project - wallhanging, table topper, pillow - whatever you can think of for them. You could add some other blocks - or borders and make them bigger - all kinds of ideas come to mind when I see these pretty blocks. There are two blocks with a Victorian Doll, four Log Cabin blocks and one flower wreath block.


Three block - 12" squares. . .

All the pre-printed blocks will be one prize - the dolls, the log cabin, the flower wreath and the three blue blocks.

A second drawing for a give-away - these house blocks I made. I found the pattern at Freda's Hive and just couldn't resist making them. Warning - if you go to Freda's Hive blog you may never get out. She has the cutest ideas and the best projects - and she gets so much done - you will want to wander around in that blog for a week. So please come back if you can - but be sure and enjoy her blog.

I made so many of these blocks - made some into potholders for friends - and kept some for myself (don't you just love that snazzy red binding?) These are NOT give-aways - just ideas of what you can do with the little house blocks.

I still have two stacks of blocks to give away - some the small size and some the larger size. I did the first batch according to the measurements given on Freda's Hive, then decided to make some smaller ones for the potholders I wanted to make. I really liked the smaller size. With the great instructions at Freda's Hive I was able to just cut down the measurements she gave and have the smaller blocks. There all sorts of things you could make with these blocks - more potholders - trim on aprons - quilts - tabletoppers - candle mats - oh so many ideas!!! Don't you really want them???? I knew you did. So I will draw two names for the house blocks.

We aer up to four give-aways now - the 10,000th visitor - the pre-printed blocks and two draws for the house blocks - are we having fun yet????

Ok - one more drawing and that is it . . .
I think . . .
This cute panel for a baby quilt or wallhanging. Noah's Ark is always popular and the colors are delightful. Use it like it is or cut it apart and add more fabric or blocks to make it bigger. Such Fun!!!

Just to make this more fun - I am not telling which gifts will be for the 10,000th visitor and which will be for the drawings - just to keep a little suspense.

So leave a comment - stop back and see if you are visitor 10,000 (you will have to tell me - even with the new counter I don't have that capability - so number 10,000 speak up!!!!).

Extra chances to win . . .
Post my give-away on your blog and get two more chances - and tell your friends to mention your blog for three MORE extra entries. I expect a lot of fun - and a lot of list making - and some happy recipients. I love give-aways.

Not sure of the day of the drawings - but soon - I'll let you know!!! After the 10,000th visitor I will set a deadline for the other drawings - so get your comments in - post this to your blog and get your friends to come over and visit. I expect a big party. Belinda is already dancing and singing to get us started and Pam is purple with excitement!!! I love purple!!


  1. Well, I'm number 9921 so we are closing in! I've been here before as well as Freda's Hive and have seen your cute cottage potholders. I can't resist a giveaway either so I wander the blogs ALOT! You all need faithful readers right! ANyway, congratulations on this milestone of your blog.

  2. Wow, that's incredible! Congratulations. I will mention you on my blog, but it is new, and I don't know how many visitors I have yet. But you are welcome to visit me too ;-)

  3. Hi...I don't see anything that tells me what number visitor I am. I always enjoy your blog and wow, you have a lot you are giving away. Please count me in!

  4. Looks like I'm visitor 9941 so I'll keep checking back to see if I can hit the magic number!

    Great giveaway!!!

    Sue Cahill

  5. I'm number 99944, only 56 to go! Congratulations on so many visitors!
    Julie Huffman

  6. I'm #9954, ugh! But I still wowuld love to win any of your giveaways!!!! i just love the preprinted materials!!! It helps me (a beginner) practice my machine quilting and make something that looks nice. My group and I make baby quilts for so many reasons, I'd love the last one for sure, but any made me drool with excitement of the giveaway!! You are so kind and the houses! Just darling!!!!

    in Guatemala, but stateside soon :)

  7. You bet I am purple with excitement! Put my name on the list please!

  8. I went to Value Village today and they changed the place! It was confusing to my brain, but it felt new and kinda fun. My mother-in-law doesn't handle change well and was all flustered! It was a fun trip.

  9. is getting close! Congrats on so many visitors. I tried running the counter on my blog but found every time I went to do something to my own blog it counted as a visit. Errrr!!!

  10. 999...1.....LOL Thats me, miss the mark by 8....

  11. It says 10000 at the bottom, does that mean I'm the one???? That would be too sweet.

    I hope I am that lucky.

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  12. Yaaaaaaaaay - 10,000 visitors - I never thought I'd get that many - now on to 20,000. :-)

  13. well done Joann, on your milestone!

    please include me in the other draws, i'd love to hve a chance of winning one of your prizes!

    leanne x

  14. Throw my name in your drawing , not sure what I'll do with the squares if I win , since I don't sew (LOL) but I'm sure I'll think of something.

    Congrats on your 10,000 visitors !

    ~ Many Blessings ~

  15. Since I am the recipient of some of Jos house blocks turned into pot holders, I can tell you how wonderful they are and how lucky the winners will be. Jo does amazing work!!!


Thanks for stopping by!