
Friday, March 27, 2009

Earth hour

On Saturday - March 28 - the world is joining together for one hour - turning off the lights in homes, towns and cities. is the place to find more information.

Come, let's all join together - for one hour. Turn off the lights - sit in the calm darkness . . .

Light a candle - let's make a statement for our earth - we need changes and we need them now.

Besides turning off the lights for one hour - let's all decide to use less power - turn off the lights when not using them. . .

Use the dishwasher instead of hand washing dishes (if you have a dishwasher) - it uses less power and less hot water than hand washing . . .

Turn off the water when brushing your teeth . . .
Use filtered water instead of buying bottles that go into the land fill . . .

Use a stainless steel cup for our coffee or tea . . .

Dry clothes on the clothesline whenever possible (ahhh the smell of sheets dried outdoors)

Use cloth bags when shopping - instead of plastic. I'm workingon remembering my bags every time I shop for anything. If I forget my cloth bags and don't want to go back to the car to fetch them, I make myself carry everything to the car without a bag. A couple times of juggling things and my "rememberer" got a lot better. I fancied up some canvas bags I got on ebay for about 1.10 each - by adding a quilt block - they are pretty and get lots of comments in the stores.

The list goes on and on - let's all step up and do our part.
Together we can be the solution.

We plan a quiet hour - though we will probably start at 7:30 and go until at least 9:30 - so we can watch the evening come in - one of our favorite things to do in the spring, summer and fall.

Our kids often stop by when we are watching the evening come in - and they laugh and call us moles - but we are certainly happy moles.
Visit for more information . . . let's make a difference!


  1. good post Joann, although I do allof those already! I too will be lighting a candle and observing earth hour. lets all show how much we really DO care about our lovely Earth

    from another Mole!

    Leanne x

  2. We do many of those things, too. (Oh how I wish I could have a clothesline! Did you know that you can wrap a queensize sheet around a clothes hanger....and have it dry in one our CA summer days? The rest of the year...forget it.) One thing I would like to ask re: dish washing. What happened to the old instruction that a full washer uses less water than washing by hand?

  3. Great post Jo, I do most of this. When washing dishes by hand (no dishwasher) I fill a plastic dish pan with water to rinse my dishes instead of running under the faucet. The only thing I don't do is hang clothes on the line, I hate the stiffness and wrinkles and after doing this for a month, it only saved around $5 in my bill.


  4. Now i know what to do with all of those string strip blocks I've been making. I must own at least 8 shopping bags, and have the "remembering" problem myself.
    Good post, girl.

  5. What a worthy, informative post, and very well illustrated with photos too! Loved the bunnies on the fabric the other day too btw x

  6. Very nice commentary on Earth Hour.
    Just a comment about a comment you left on my blog....yes....Get going on your watercolors!! Then...let's see it!! It doesn't matter how it comes out, as long as you like it and have fun!!

  7. hello~
    I found you at lila's and thought I would stop by :)

    what a lovely and thoughtful post and thank you, I didn't know about this until reading this. I know, I live in a cave as it just popped up on the radio as I wrote that!! thanks for all these great ideas, some of which I had not known, like the dishwasher, I would have thought the opposite...I try and leave my bags in the car and then they're there when i need them. and oh, to have a clothesline, one of those things on the honey do list~soon, he tells me, hahaha..

    blessings to you...

  8. Did you make it? Did you do Earth Hour? I ended up with company and by the time everyone left I was so whipped I just fell out on the couch with the TV and forgot all about it. Bummer.


Thanks for stopping by!