
Sunday, March 29, 2009


As you know by now, Wednesday was my birthday - and Don brought me roses - pretty, perfect, sweet smelling roses. He brings me flowers all the time - and I mean ALL the time. Sometimes on Fridays - to celebrate the end of a week and the coming weekend, sometimes on Thursdays just because, and always on holidays. This past christmas I had many bouquets of flowers placed all around the house.

He recently discovered a new store - with more flowers and different ones than our usual stores - so he came home with these roses.

Are these not the most perfect roses you've ever seen?

There are bouquets of Iris and lilies. You can see that he even brings me flowers when we are busy packing to move (see the boxes in the background?)

And gladiolas to brighten my day . . .

Pretty all-white flowers on a wintery day . . .

Spring time tulips and white miniature roses . . .

And always carnations - sometimes with Baby's Breath, sometimes with mums - sometimes just by themselves - but always Carnations. The scent is pure heaven!!!

During tulip season there are tulips galore . . .

And sometimes bouquets of water lilies blossoms- now THOSE are hard to pick!!!

And daffodils - so many daffodils - 50 in a bouquet - arms-ful of daffodils - all colors and styles of daffodils - usually daffodils for my birthday - daffodils whenever they are in the stores - daffodils on rainy days - daffodils on sunny days.

I am very spoiled!!!!

I have a lot of vases - some tall - some short - some fance - some plain - but all loved . . .

I like to use tiny salt shakers for bouquets of violets that he picks from our yard . . . I need a lot of vases when Don brings flowers so often . . .

Sometimes I use vintage green glass salt shakers
that have lost their lids . . .

Sometimes an old green measuring cup . . .

I use whatever strikes my fancy - and all look wonderful when filled with flowers . . .


  1. Oh how wonderful, we girls do love flowers, by the pictures that I see your Don has the eye for flowers, they are just beautiful, I could not pick a favorite, it is so fun because they are all different!

  2. You are one lucky lady. What a guy!

  3. Fabulous flowers! What a guy!
    I've never seen a bouquet of waterlilies before!!!

    I like your clever use of vintage containers for additional vases!

  4. What beautiful flowers, you`re a very lucky lady to have such a thoughtful husband, and such lovely vases too, especially the vintage ones.

  5. He's definitely a keeper JoAnn. The roses are beautiful!

  6. Wow you are a lucky woman! Gorgeous flowers! DH has never gotten me flowers! It's just not his thing, but he does buy me chocolate! LOL

  7. You are packing to move?

    All those flowers are lovely.

  8. Happy Belated Birthday. All your flowers are beautiful. Your husband is so sweet. And I like all your containers. They make interesting pictures by themselves.

  9. What a man!


  10. Wow, what a romantic! You are very lucky to get so many gorgeous blooms! And happy belated birthday to you xx

  11. Happy belated Birthday , you're Blessed to have such a Wonderful Hubby that brings you flowers so often.

    My ...... you do have alot of vases , great collection.

    ~ Spring Blessings ~

  12. WOW you have a lot of vases! I too am surprised how much words are on other's 'Wordless Wednesday' posts but I guess it compares to everyone's usual posting style. I tend to be more a picture poster anyway so when WW come around I put on a sentence or two up.
    That's beautiful green ware!

  13. Nothing makes a girl happier than a big bunch of beautiful flowers!!Great photos and vases - I've got a thing for vases. A very happy belated birthday to you!!


  14. What a sweet guy to bring such beautiful flowers! They're all gorgeous! ☺

  15. egads!! Somebody likes YOU!! Very nice!

  16. My goodness what a thoughtful guy. I'd say he's a keeper.

  17. sweet is that! Love the vintage containers. I have a transfer ware teapot that lost its lid that I use for small roses. Though I usually but the roses myself and then thank my DH when he gets home...a strange arrangement but it works for us! (maybe I will direct him to your post.....)

  18. Yes Ms. Joann...I believe you are spoiled!!! Like you, I too use various containers to show off my blooms. I just think it makes the
    'bouquet' more interesting!!

  19. You are so, so lucky. Dan never brings me flowers anymore - ever. And you get armloads. It's not fair - LOL!

    Usually daffodils have shown up in the supermarkets by now, but I haven't seen any this year. I think I must blame it on the weather.


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