
Saturday, June 27, 2009

At last - something different!

We had a good day yesterday - already today we've had all the shots required (4) and been out to the lab for a coumidin check and we're home. It is sunny and gorgeous out - just perfect temperature so there looks to be some walking outdoors today and maybe some sitting in the grove to enjoy the summer air.

And now - finally something different - there is a wonderful give-away going on over at Hugs from Helen - woweee - you should see her patterns.

Her give-away is for the pattern to this wonderful holiday quilt - wouldn't you just love to make this. Stop over and make a comment and a link and you might be the lucky winner - and maybe I will be - let's hope we both are. :-)

Happy stitching - I'll be crocheting a lace edge on pillowcases today when I have a few minutes.


  1. Glad to now that things are coming along nicely for the both of you. Have a great weekend. TTFN ~Marydon

  2. So glad you`ve had a nice day, and are doing nice `ordinary` things, have a lovely weekend.

  3. I'm so happy Don seems to be doing well. Everyday should get better and someday all this will be a distant memory. Hang in there!!! Enjoy each other.

  4. Gosh we've come so far with Don, haven't we? There's much comfort in this new time. Much comfort.

    Healthy and Happy Love, *karendianne.

  5. I'm so glad to hear things to be progressing well for Mr. Donald...

    That is a w-a-y too cute pattern isn't it....maybe I should go throw my name into the hat for it!

  6. this is another week to be thankful for life.
    I think I'll try for the giveaway, it's very cute.


Thanks for stopping by!