
Friday, June 26, 2009

june 26 - two weeks since surgery

Don has been home 7 days - and it is two weeks since surgery - and at this time 2 weeks ago we were wondering what was going on - since surgery was running longer than they had expected. Little did we know it would go on for 3 1/2 more hours - 7 1/2 hours total. I'm glad that is all past now.

He is doing so much more now - he is walking for up to 20 minutes at a time, several times a day now. His schedule that he got from the surgeon says that this week he can begin light housekeeping chores - so he is getting his own drink of water, helped fold laundry yesterday (that makes him happy, he loves to do laundry) - I've not done laundry for over 20 years - but I did remember how, and he picks up stuff and puts it away around the house. At first it felt like I was being mean to have him do things, but it is good for his healing to be more active - and he's happier when he's active.

They are still trying to get the coumidin (blood thinner) levels right so we go to the lab every morning. Then today after the lab we saw the surgeon's assistant and he sent us to another lab for a bit more blood work - we will go back there tomorrow if the coumidin levels aren't where they want them. Don won't be on coumidin much longer, probably just for two more weeks, so this won't be a forever thing.

Our daughters are helping with the heavier housework and yard chores and running errands when we need them - which really helps. I've not had any time for stitching - but soon, I hope, soon.

Thanks to all who have emailed and phoned to inquire about Don - it is nice to have so many friends, and thanks for the good thoughts and prayers.

Soon I hope to have a post about something besides the surgery - but I'm happy that the report is so good.


  1. How wonderful this news that Don is up & around. Such wonders of medical treatment, guided by His hands. TTFN ~ Marydon

  2. Thanks for continued good news as we head into the weekend!

  3. So glad to hear Don is doing so well, and becoming more active, I`m so glad its behind you both and hopefully soon you`ll be able to get back to doing the things you enjoy with a peaceful mind.

  4. So very glad to hear that Don is slowly doing better. I know you will look back on this a year from now and be so relieved that this is over. Did they ever decide why his valve was bad? Was it from a virus?

  5. I am glad to read such a good report on Don. Help with the laundry is a good thing, soon he will take over again.
    They will probably get the coumidin levels adjusted the day before the two weeks end. Hah!
    You can keep on posting about the surgery as long as they are good reports. :-)

  6. I'm so glad that Don is beginning to recover from his surgery, I haven't had time for much blog reading recently so have only just read the horror story about the splenda, how dreadful for your husband to have to have gone through this so unnecessarily. You would think that hospitals, of all places, would be aware of this sort of danger. I hope that he continues to recover quickly and that you can both get back to enjoying your lives fully again.

  7. Been following your updates - glad he is doing so well!!!

  8. Good for Don. You will be surprised how fast he heals. My Dad had his surgery almost five years ago. Two months after my Mom passed away due to surgery complications. Not the best time to be going in for major surgery. He keeps active, going for walks and working in his beautiful garden. He is health and happy. Go get'em Don! :)

  9. Sounds like he is just where he should be in this stage of his recovery. I am thinking of you and him, the fact that is able to increase his activity is a wonderful thing!


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