
Monday, June 22, 2009

First Two Days At Home

As the time is passing since Don's open heart surgery he is improving faster every day.

Saturday night I had a few minutes and went out in the yard to enjoy the thought of the first day of summer. It was a magical night - some soft night light - a little breeze and the fairies were busy rustling about in the trees. I could almost feel their wings whispering at my ears - what a delightful night - and then to bed - we both rested quite well, our first night back home.

Yesterday the girls and their families were here for a little Father's Day celebration. It was wonderful - would have been better if our son and daughter in law could have been here from West Virginia - but it was a great Fathers' Day - and Rusty did call for a nice long talk. What a gift we've been given - a "new" heart - all repaired and raring to go. Both grandsons were sweet and gave Grampy soft hugs, then they played so nicely together with Ben's new train, and in the sand box that Uncle Rusty filled for them while he was here from West Virginia. I'll never look at Fathers' Day the same way as I used to, that's for sure.

I had a list of things that needed done around the house and everyone pitched right in and they were done in no time - what wonderful kids and in-laws we have!!!

We have a lot of scheduling to handle - times for meals - times for medications - times for shots - monitoring the food intake - but it is ok with me - whatever it takes. He had his first trip outside the house today since he got home Saturday afternoon - a trip to have lab work done at the cardiologist's office. He was exhausted by the time we got there, got the test, I went upstairs to talk with the surgeon's nurse about the results and we drove home. But a little resting and he was feeling great again, which is typical of this type of surgery - you tire more easily but recuperate faster each time.

He didn't take a nap this afternoon and found himself quite tired by 6 and took his nap then - and just got up to watch a little baseball - but found that the Seattle Mariners aren't playing tonight - bummer.

Today I had to learn to give a new shot - not the "pen" type, but actual syringe. They gave me some instruction, but no actual practice, at the pharmacy and I had to come home and give the shot. I didn't think I could do it - but I did - though I was shaking when it was over. He has to have a shot like this every 8 hours and I hope it feels easier as time goes by. Or as Ben would say - to pass the time go by.

Our weather turned sunny this afternoon and Don got to sit out on the porch for a little while in the fresh wonderful summer air. On my way home from the pharmacy (Jay came and sat with Don while I was out of the house) I saw a mother deer and her twin fawns - still quite tiny and with their spots. I hope they come down close to the house so Don can see them. The crows were quite busy this afternoon, entertaining us - and some squirrels kept running up the feeder poles looking for suet cakes - guess I need to find some time to make some for them - hmmm wonder where I could find a little extra time.

Thank you to all that have sent cards and donations to the quilt raffle. I hope to get personal thank you notes out in the next couple of days. Everyone's help and good thoughts and prayers and cards and flowers have meant so much to both of us. It helps during the hard times to think that there are friends and family out there thinking of us and holding us together as we go along this path.

I hope soon to get back to some regular blogging - with photos and fun stuff. Right now it takes every bit of time just to handle Don's recuperation - and I'm more than happy to be doing it - we have been so fortunate.


  1. I`m so glad you`re both home again, and that Don is doing so well. I was also pleased to see you`ve been able to snatch a bit of summer magic in the garden, and see all the lovely animals around you, as ever our thoughts and good wishes are with youx

  2. I'm glad to hear all this good news and will hope for faster and faster recuperation each and every day for Don.

  3. The hard part is over....with your help, he will be just fine. Everyday will be better, just take it slow....

  4. Joann, so glad to hear that Don is making such a good recovery. It will take a little time, but it is worth your while to put your efforts in helping him along. You both have had a couple of stressful weeks, and it is so good to be home. No place like home :-)


  5. I am so so happy that that this all had a positive outcome. And just think, now you both can enjoy this summer and not have the shadow of a still-to-come fall surgery hanging over you. Our summer took a long time to get here but oh is it wonderful now.

  6. We're thinking of you both everyday - I can't wait till we come out at Christmastime. I so miss you both and Rus had a great time while he was there. Just spend the next couple of weeks resting and catching up on all the sleep you both missed! *Hugs*

  7. So glad that things are looking up. Look at you giving shots and everthing. Thats wonderful. I would faint.
    Having the kids home and to help out for The Father's day weekend was really nice. If I lived nearby I would help you. Well not the shot thing.

  8. I've been keeping up and am now so glad to know life is going well. Soon you will be able to take a little time for yourelf - meanwhile I know you are being a wonderful help to your dear husband.

    Hang in there JoAnn - peek out at Nature, rest when you can, and count your blessings as I'm sure you are.

  9. Don will soon be feeling so much better! It is a miracle!

  10. Joann, thanks for taking the time from your very very busy schedule to comment on my blog once again.
    Oh goodness, you must be happy to be the nurse to your guy. As you said...anything to make it right.
    good luck to you both.

  11. It is good to know that Don is home and you are both doing well. I was having trouble leaving a comment yesterday, but today things are working better. Please remember to take care of yourself while you are taking care of Don.


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