
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Some good news - some not so good news about open heart surgery

First I guess we start with the good news - that is always best I guess. I am just overwhelmed right now. So many have written emails asking how things are going - and we appreciate that - so here are the updates.

Well, you remember that horrid co-pay for Don's open heart surgery - and our feelings of helplessness - we've had a bit of a reprieve. A very dear friend talked to us about the out-of-pocket expenses not covered by insurance. She said to check again with the insurance company and see what our total would be. Out of pocket expenses are what you are expected to pay, up to a certain amount, and then insurance takes over and pays 100% after that. So instead of 25,000.00 we were originally told, we are responsible for only 2,000.00 - still a hefty sum - but with the quilt raffle, quite doable. It was such a relief when we found this out - like we could breath again. The big question is - why didn't the financial people at the hospital know about this - surely they've dealt with other people in similar situations. Well, it is past now - and we are so relieved. But the quilt raffle is still on - and if we go over our total needed we will donate it to someone else in a tight financial situation because of illness or surgery. So you still have time to get in and get your chances to win the quilt - and the other lovely prizes donated by good friends and good blogger-friends. There are some new prizes being offered also - and I'll update those soon.

So - now for the rest of the news. Most of you have read that there is no bypass surgery needed at the same time as the open heart surgery to repair the mitral valve - which is very good news - the less time they have to spend in there - the better. Then yesterday we saw the surgeon and he set up the surgery for June 19 - a Friday. Then things got a bit crazy.

There was some edema in Don's feet and ankles yesterday . . .

Edema was worse by evening . . .

Edema still the same this morning. . .

Called surgeon on emergency number this morning - he said to get to the cardiologist to have this checked - and to reschedule the surgery sooner . . .

Visit to cardiologist - nothing is urgent or dangerous so they will be watching and gave Don a presciption to control the edema . . .

Surgery rescheduled for June 12 - next Friday. . .

So that's it - and I think that is about all I can deal with right now - we are delighted with the insurance results - a little frightened about having to move the surgery up so soon - but we will get through this - with the help of family and friends.


  1. OMGosh Jo, just a slight difference between 25K and 2K, it's a real shame that hospitals aren't up front about financial options and's like pulling teeth sometimes.

    Actually, with Don having his surgery sooner, it will be good to shorten the amount of time you both will be having to handle stress. I know that your stress levels have now hit a new high but by the end of next Friday, all of this will be behind you and Don will be on the road to a full recovey.

    Sending you HUGE hugs,

  2. Insurance companies and hospitals never seem to be on the same page - info wise!!! Glad it is a more reasonable amount. The sooner, the better, the less the stress..........
    we'll keep you all in our thoughts!!!!

  3. what wonderful news! The stress about the finances must be soooo diminished, and the earlier date just means it'll be over and done with soon, and he'll be able to recover sooner and get back to enjoying life.

  4. hope all goes well and as others say with the surgery moved up you don't have as much time to stress out. Sorry the hospital and insurance were not on the same page about the money - $25K is something to be stressed about were as $2K is much more manageable.

  5. Jo, I know this is a relief for you and your family to learn your portion of the medical costs is much lower than you were originally told. But, I also know you're anxious as the surgery date moves closer. Just remember, in a few weeks this too will pass and you'll be able to look forward to recovery.

  6. Been thinking about you and watching for updates. Glad that the finances have been reduced. Praying for Don's complete recovery.

  7. Glad to hear that the financial burden is going to be much less than expected.

    I know an earlier surgery date has got to be a bit stressful, but then maybe the way to look at it earlier date means he will begin to get better sooner.

  8. I get so irked by what they KNOW & what they DON'T tell you ... that's a whopping big difference. I am new so direct me to this quilt raffle event please.

    God speed, may his surgery go well.

    TTFN ~ Marydon

  9. Well I'm glad there is some good news. I hope your husband is doing well

  10. Gosh, Jo, it's so good to hear some good news from you! There'll be lots of folks out here sending good thoughts your way, and when all is said and done, I think you'll both be glad to have this behind you. Blessings to both of you.

  11. What an unwelcome roller coaster ride. First of all, insurance companies are famous for trying to get out of paying anything they can. Then, as I learned last week, you have to be so assertive and vigilant about your health care. I made the assumption that if my doctor's office got a bad lab report in, they would drop everything and call me. But I had to call them before they even looked at it. So, your Don will get excellent care from everyone at St. Joe's, but when it comes to the paperwork, it's all yours.
    I'm praying for you both.

  12. What a big relief...both the finances and the surgery date. The sooner the better, I say. Let's get this over and done so you and Don can get back to enjoying life and not have the worry & stress any longer.

  13. I'm so glad to hear this good news. And the surgery being moved up is likely good news as well since we can start working on the healing. All my healing and love, *karendianne.

  14. Hi Jo, so glad to hear your financial burden has been lifted somewhat, and also that the surgery date has been moved forward, although obviously that will be stressful, but so much better than having to wait and worry. You are in our thoughts and prayersx

  15. JoAnn ,
    That is great news , just stay positive and know that it will soon be over. Having the surgery next week , means less time to worry about everything. Don will be fine and life will return to normal.

    ~ Blessings ~

  16. I'm just seeing this post now. I am so very sorry to hear about all of this!! I am sending lots well wishes and good thoughts your way right now!!!

    Big Hugs,

    Sabina ~

  17. Omigosh, Jo,

    I haven't been around for a while and now the surgery has been moved up. I am reading this Wednesday June 10 so only two days now. But think of it this way - now you won't have to be worried the whole summer.

    And it is great - no, wonderful - news about the huge reduction in expenses. God opened that window for you.

    Love, Julie


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