
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Some quilting is happening here

After months and months of doctors, hospitals, appointments, tests and prescriptions we have finally rounded a corner and begun to get back to normal. Don has worked two full weeks at full time and is doing great - today I took our oldest daughter (and Ben) to her doctor appointment and came away with only good news - now I feel like at last I can breath again.

So on the way home I stopped and picked up some bleached muslin for a new project. I belong to a small internet quilting group. We are almost all from NW Washington, or at least Western Washington and get together from time to time for sew-ins and shopping sprees, plus we sew "on line". Our newest project is a challenge quilt. Each person in the group that wants to can pick a block for a certain month and then we all sew the block in our own colors and at our own speed. The first month picked was "Alabama" from

I don't know why this photo came out wonky - I assure you it is quite straight in real life.

I get to pick for next month and I might try and find 9" directions for the Card Trick block - or maybe not - we'll see what happens. It is fun seeing the posibilities out there for the next block.

I am making all of my blocks in greens and white - for a two color quilt. I have yellow/white, pink/white, red/white, blue/white and purple/white quilts - but no green/white - so here is my chance. The blocks are 9" and with 12 that might not be enough for a bed quilt so I might make 2 or three of each month's blocks so I'll have enough for a big quilt. If I make more than one block from one month I will make them in different color choices so all the greens won't be the same on the blocks that are similar. I have lots of scraps of green so this won't be a problem.

I also finished the first two blocks of A Tisket A Tasket. I have five more prepped and ready for hand applique. I am happy to have made this much progress. The next couple of days I will spend working on the baskets until all are done - and I think she has August up by now - or it should be up soon.



So what are you working on? Are you having some fun stitching this summer. Our days have gotten back to normal - highs about 74 or 75 - very cool and pleasant evenings, good for sleeping with the windows open - just what we like here in the Pacific Northwest.


  1. Oh, oh! I love the birdies. So pretty. Glad to hear the corner has been rounded & you are all heading uphill now. Wonderful news. TTFN ~Marydon

  2. GREAT progress on the basket blocks. I am a GREEN fabric person, so the idea of a green and white quilt really appeals to me! Keep up the good work. (Glad to hear the good news on the medical front, too.)

  3. Love your blocks, I just love the Trisket ones and I have done the two you have but kinda gave up, I hate my stitchery....but maybe I will pick it up again?

    Glad all is improving for you.

  4. You certainly got back to quilting with full gusto! Love the blocks and so glad to hear Don and daughter are doing so well.

  5. Great news on the health front and I am so happy that you can not relax a little and enjoy life a lot. Times like this put us uner more stress than we realize. I just love your little teapot, you should show us a picture of your collection. How fun it would be to make individual chicken pot pies in your pyrex wear.

    Your Tisket a Tasket blocks are very nice, love your fabric choices.

    Ok - enough gushing over your blog today, but I did enjoy reading it and see all your pretties.

  6. Great blocks Jo!! I got a flower on my current Aunt Millie's Garden almost done at group yesterday, but I need to take part of it out...thread was too dark...bummer LOL.


  7. So glad everything is returning to normal!!
    I just love the blocks. They are lovely!

  8. Oh, I get it. You are not exchanging blocks, you are each making your own collection. Then, I suppose when the individual quilt tops are finished you will post them.
    Sounds like fun.
    I like your baskets, too.

  9. Love the basket series and especially how you added buttons on the snowman one. Look forward to seeing the others! Glad you have rounded the bend with the health issues. It's always so much easier to be creative in a more relaxed state of mind.

  10. What a great feeling to see how much better things are now in your world. So happy for you!
    Your quilting is wonderful, you just gotta LOVE a nice quilt. I have several and love them all. Most are NOT made by me.
    You also got some nice things from your thrifty shoping and I see you won a drawing. Good for you.
    Nancy Jo

  11. Your Tisket Tasket blocks are so cute. I have the patterns, but that is all that I have accomplished with them. So glad that Don is doing well and back to a more normal routine. I like your green block, too. I do not have a green quilt either now that I think about it. I do have a green and purple quilt, though!

  12. Nice applique, Jo. You're 3 blocks ahead of me; I only have them printed off! Sigh. Glad to hear that your life is getting back to normal healthwise; that's really good news. Have a nice weekend.

  13. I am so happy for your regarding the health of the family. It's the stresses that take our energy away...
    You are on the move now and can see that you are in full groove back quilting.

  14. Glad to hear Don is doing so well, JoAnn.
    Your Tisket,Tasket blocks look great!

  15. Oh I love your block. The center makes for nice variation!


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