
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Old Stuff - and a drawing

I decided to have a quilt party - after seeing what Crispy is doing on her blog. She has been listing old quilts and telling the stories about them. It is so interesting and gives us a chance to see quilts that we might not have seen before. I'm putting Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post and if you have some old quilts (don't have to be all that old, can just be quilts that we've not seen before) please put your link in Mr. Linky and we'll all hop over there and see what wonderous quilts you've made. A story about the quilt would be fun too. Even if you have blogged about a quilt in the past, feel free to blog again, as some of us may not have gotten to all of your past blog posts. And most importantly - have a good time. Thanks Crispy for inspiring me to do this.

Here is my first "old" quilt . . .

I never finished this quilt top - I sold it on craigslist after it was finished. It is surprising how many people are looking for quilt tops - at least in our area - on craigslist. I had several wanting to bid up the price on this top - but I had set a price and I sold it for that - only seems fair.

An internet friend in Kentucky wanted to do a mystery quilt - I'd never done one and didn't really want to do one - but to be a good sport - I agreed. First of all, machine piecing isn't my favorite part of quilting, and secondly, I like to have control of my quilting and with a mystery you really don't know what is going on for some time. We picked our colors and I felt that the contrast of the two lighter greens wasn't contrasting enough and I never liked the quilt.

My friend did her quilt in blues - and it turned out much better. After leaving it sit around in a box for several years, and two houses later, I finally listed it on craigslist and it was gone in less than three hours - hurray!!!

Directions for joining the Old Stuff Quilt Party are below - come join the fun!! Post on your blog about your old quilt and list it on McLinky below and get entered twice in the drawing. Grab the "Old Stuff Quilt Party" from my sidebar and put it on your sidebar - get entered 4 more times. Send friends over and if they mention your name - get another 5 entries. Come on - this will be fun.
  1. Publish your Old Stuff Quilt Party post.
  2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the direct link for your post. The direct link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
  3. Paste the url into the appropriate Mr. Linky box in this post.
  4. Type your name in the appropriate Mr. Linky box in this post.
  5. Click on "Enter."
  6. Please link back to this Old Stuff Quilt Party post so that your readers can find other wonderful quilts.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: Looking forward to seeing all of your quilts! Be sure to link back to this post so the others can see all the quilts we've made in the past.

Mr. Linky is working - so let's see your old quilts - well, they don't have to be real old - let's just see your quilts. And thanks for putting up with so many updates today.


  1. Good luck with your endeavor Jo. I'll start it off to my 9 old quilts :o)


  2. I bet the person that got that quilt was thrilled...that's so much work. I know you said you never liked it, but boy wouldn't that look good hanging in a warm wood interior of a cozy cabin in the woods!

  3. I am one who likes quilts with few colors and not a big contrast between the colors, so to me, this quilt is WONDERFUL.

  4. I think you quilt looks wonderful!!!

  5. How fun...Yeah....I'll play, I'm off to look at the others!!!

  6. Boy this quilt is really something to look at. What a fun thought y'all have drummed up here. I'll give it some thought. No sure what I'd share...

  7. Sorry everyone...I know my link does not belong here...but I can't figure out how it got here and how to delete it. I have contacted MckLinky about the problem. If I did quilt - I'd love to join you all....intentionally!

  8. No problem Kristin - even I can't get McLinky to take you off - but that's ok - you have a fun blog even if it isn't about quilting. Thanks for contacting me about this. Do come back and see the wonderful quilts.

  9. I know you said you never liked it, but boy wouldn't that look good hanging in a warm wood interior of a cozy cabin in the woods!
    Work from home India


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