
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Here are my talented friends once again

We had our monthly sew-in at Anacortes, WA, about an hour south and west of here. We get together once a month to sew and we have a blast.

Everyone is doing their own projects and many brought other things for show and tell.

Tina made this bright quilt for her teenage son . . .

Close up of Tina's quilt . . .

Sue Bee's blue and yellow quilt . . .

Susannah is designing a Halloween quilt - I love the bat bowl . . .

Susannah's mummy block . . .

And keeping in the spirit of Halloween - Daisy's punkin wall hanging. This is her
first applique project - good work Daisy!

Daisy's daughter-in-law, Michelle, was expecting at the time of the last sew-in - and was presented with a baby quilt.

All the ladies that come to the sew-in are members of Loose Threads - an on-line quilting group - and we make surprise comfort quilts for members of Loose Threads. With the delivery date for Michelle's third daughter very close, it was a good time to present her with the baby quilt we had all joined in to make.

Here is JoAnn U. presenting the quilt to Michelle . . .

This is the back - don't you love the pink leopard print?

Close up of the blocks - the "flowers" are made from individual heart blocks.

Mary was given several quilt tops by a co-worker and she brought them to show us. Her co-worker said she had lots of finished quilts from her mother and didn't see herself finishing any more, so she thought Mary should have them to finish.

Close up of the hexagon quilt. Notice the design in the center of the quilt . . .

Another top given to Mary by her co-worker. Very appropriate for this area - there
is a huge tulip festival here every April.

Close up of the tulip quilt . . .

Another close-up . . .

And another . . .
In addition to the finished tops - there were many fan blocks too . . .

Put together they make a nice Dresden Plate pattern . . .

And then Susannah presented a new project for us - we are doing a challenge Round Robin - except there will be no travelling quilts, we will each make our entire Round Robin quilt. We are to choose a christmas carol and make a center block of 22 1/2" square, depicting the christmas carol we have chosen. We have no restrictions on what song we pick, so long as it is christmas. We will bring our Round Robin project each month for show and tell, and Susannah will give us the directions for the next round.

We plan to finish this up next December. Our center block is due December 5, so that gives us two months to get that center block done. My choice is "Over The River and Through The Woods, To Grandmother's House We Go". I've got ideas running around in my head, but nothing is definite just yet, but this is really going to be fun, both making it and seeing what the others are doing with their song.

This is a round robin quilt that Susannah and another group did a few years ago.
Susannah's theme is Cinderella. It is so impressive in person. She brought it to give us inspiration for what we might do with our challenge.

Close up of the center block . . .

More close ups . . .

The quilt is very inspiring and we are all making plans for our christmas challenge quilt - more about that later.


  1. Loved them all!! Thanks for showing ....

  2. It must be a blast to share and network like that with those ladies. And it's getting into that time of year (at least here) where it's so cozy inside to curl up with a fun indoor project. Can't wait to see what you come up with using that lovely Christmas carol as your theme!

  3. Can I be adopted into the Themed Round Robin that doesn't leave the house??? I'm on WASIQ. If I lived closer to you I'd come to the sew-ins. Lynn W and I do our own sew-ins here in Walla Walla on a regular basis. I love the idea of using a Christmas Carol for the theme of a Round Robin. Mary C in WW

  4. WOW...what a talented group!!! How nice to be close enough to do things with that group of gals!!! There is no lack of creativity in THAT group!!!

  5. Thank you for sharing all the wonderful photos. I really like the idea of your Round Robin. It is like a mystery quilt. You will receive your instructions at the next meeting. What fun!

  6. A great show n tell Jo. I had to laugh, before the pictures loaded I just knew that Sue Bee's quilt would be stars. She loves them as much as I do LOL.


  7. Wow Joann....all talented ladies
    indeed!!! I always enjoy your show
    and tell. That cinderella applique is amazing!!!

  8. This is some major talent!

    Have you ever seen a pattern called Monkey Wrench? I love how graphic that is. I saw a quilt in that pattern on eBay years ago in yellow and white, and it was so snappy!

    Loved every single one of these. Just amazing!


    Sheila :-)


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