
Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday - Finding Beauty

The sun is shining - the birds are flitting about the yard and garden and I am finding beauty in all of it.

The foxgloves we dug up in the wild last year are all in bloom . . .

Foxgloves get their name from the story that the wee folk in the garden would pluck the flowers and wear them for gloves at their fancy dances in the moonlight - "folk's glove". If you watch on a moonlit night you might see them dancing about in your yard. In the morning their discarded "gloves" lie about on the ground under the flower stalks.

This little white spider (she looks pink from the reflection of the flower) was upside down in this flower . . .

And this little black guy was getting a nice sunbath not far away . . .

Last week when I was at Linda's she had a lovely bouquet of flowers on the table - the rose was fully open, and gorgeous . . .

My three pots of pansies on the front deck are blooming to beat the band - and so pretty in the sunshine . . . nodding their little heads in the breeze . . .

Hollyhock buds on a plant that Linda gave me . . .

And some blossoms on the tomato plant - at last . . .

What a glorious day!!!

I am joining Claudia at Dipity Road.
Please stop by to see how others are Finding Beauty.

And more beauty with birds on my other blog - Scene Through My Eyes - pop over for a visit.


  1. Gorgeous flowers! They are one of the reasons that this is my favorite time of the year. I love how you got the shot of the spider.

  2. I love the spiders in the foxglove! What gorgeous pictures.

  3. Beautiful flowers, love the Foxglove! And what great shots!, Love the 1st one with the Foxglove & Spider :)
    Enjoy yiur weekend ~

  4. Such gorgeous flowers! Foxgloves always make me think of Jemima Puddleduck by Beatrix Potter. :-)

  5. I have seen hollyhocks bloom but not the buds! The pansies have a face and they are smiling to me.

    I have enjoyed your fox glove story.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  6. Beautiful pictures Jo, I don't think I've ever seen a white spider.


  7. Gorgeous! Those mosaics were like quilts!


    Sheila :-)

  8. Wow ~ all the pics look beautiful , nothing like nature's beauty except for the last post with the boys running around and having so much fun (Smile). I can't believe the deer are coming so close , that's amazing.
    I noticed your collection of watering cans lining the driveway in your last post , that's a great idea.

    ~ Many Blessings ~

  9. You really take lovely pictures. Flowers are amazing things. When I go to a greenhouse to buy some flowers I am truly overwhelmed. Nice.

  10. So pretty Jo! It makes all that rain you've had worth it now, doesn't it? Wow, the white spider picture is fascinating. Love your pansies, actually I love all your flowers, but the pansies are so durn pretty. ~Lili

  11. It is wonderful that the sun is shining and you are able to be outdoors in your garden. Beautiful photos. Glad you had a great day with the boys, too.

  12. Great photos, Jo. And thanks for the foxglove story; it's one of my favorite flowers. Say, do you have a link to the pattern for your caring quilt, the one with the hearts? I'd love to share it with my quilt group.....

  13. Truly beautiful! I like the story about the name of the flower!

  14. Simply stunning flowers, photography and those quilts they are out of this world.

  15. Golly friend, nothing but beauty here. Nothing but! What a nice place to be over coffee.


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