
Saturday, January 1, 2011


I was going to make a whole new blog post wishing all a Happy New Year - then life got in the way.

A 1:30 run to the ER for Don on New Years Eve, all is fine now, he had a bit of a scare with his pancreas - fortunately it was not his heart. ER was jumpin' on New Year's Eve so the wait for proceedures was long and tedious - but they did the best they could. Home by 8:30 a.m. - some sleep and some clear liquids and appts at all kinds of doctors for next week. At least it is resolved, we are back home and can get on with our new year.

Go here for our New Years greeting - and I wish you all a good and fulfilling new year.

I am thankful for family, friends far and near- and for blogging friends that have enriched my life so much. Thank you.

And don't for get - at a little after 11 o'clock tonight it will be 11:11 on 1-1-11 - they say when there is an abundance of ones, the fairies are all about! Watch for fairies - and you can report on them tomorrow - we, however, plan to be sleeping and will let the fairies do what they want on this wonderful night.


  1. I'm so glad Don is okay. I'm sure you were very frightened. Get a good night of rest deserve it.

  2. Sending you hugs. And wishes for a happy and healthy new year for you and your husband.

  3. I'll bet that's not the way you planned to spend your NYE!
    I am so pleased to hear that it all turned out okay and that you are both safely home.

  4. Happy New Year! I am glad to see Don is fine, and wish you & your family a blessed 2011. xoxo

    P.S. LOVE your Alaska blog!!! Finding time to catch up :).

  5. I'm glad to hear that all turned out well with Don, sitting in ER is not the greatest way to begin the New Year. I wish both of you health and happiness in 2011.

  6. I'm so happy that Don is doing good, don't need any more scares!!

    Darn I missed the fairies, I was sound asleep by 9:30 LOL.

    Happy Belated New Years my dear friend!!


  7. I am glad that Don is okay....

    Have a wonderful New Years!

  8. What a party! in the ER! Just what you didn't wish for!
    Glad that Don is good to go, this time of year is crazy isn't it?
    Didn't know about the lllllls.
    Happy New Year Jo

  9. Glad Don is OK. I think there were fairies dancing around the pansies, or so the cats claimed as to thier being tardy coming to bed...

  10. Oh, what an awful scare you had! I'm so relieved Don is okay, and I pray that all goes well this week with the doctors and the tests.

    Here's wishing you both a healthy, happy, prosperous 2011!

    Love coming your way and all good wishes...


    Sheila :-)

  11. I am just getting back to the blogs.... what a scare you have had! We sure need to take care of our hubbys! Wishing you the very best, Jo and Don.

  12. Not the way to start a new year. Well, maybe, since he is okay now. That's good.
    Keep us posted.

  13. Glad you and Don are doing okay. Take care.

  14. Happy Belated New Year , hope all is well with You and Don.

    ~ Many Blessings ~

  15. So glad to hear hubby is okay. I hope the rest of your year is less dramatic, and full of health and joy for you both.

  16. My goodness Jo, don't know how I missed this one. So glad to hear Don is OKAY!!! I really think it is so cool that the date was 1-1-11! ~Lili


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