
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Oh My!!!

In the night I opened the curtains by my bed - and it was snowing. I could see deer tracks across the driveway in the snow. This morning we have about 4" of new snow - and more expected. I don't think it is supposed to last beyond today or early tomorrow - so I don't mind it too much - although I was hoping to get out today to buy my new computer. This one is really acting up. It has had to repair damaged sectors twice this week - and then I get flashing messages about digital imaging breaking down - and all sorts of other things I don't understand - so I fear it is time for that new computer after all.

But first - the snow . . .

Taken out the back window . . .

Neighbor's Oso Berry bush . . .

Up close of Oso Berry bush . . .

Bird feeders and the boys' boat . . .

Rain gauge with snow on top of it . . .

These are the view across the street from us . . . our very own Hundred Acre Wood . . .


  1. Good morning friend!
    Only about an inch down here, but I'm at 940 ft. By the time a go a mile and am downtown at 2 feet below sea level all the frosting will be just a dream.

    Off to work, then to play, happy Sunday.
    (I hope you are getting a laptop rather than a desktop...they are Wonderful!)

  2. Wow! It looks like a fairyland with all the snow. How lovely! I'm so glad you shared these pictures with us. I can't get over the beauty of snow, something I rarely if ever see.

    Sending warm hugs to you across the miles...


    Sheila :-)

  3. Looks very familiar! My cardinals and other birds are really active.
    Keep warm!
    Cindy :)

  4. Wonderful snow, but boo hiss bad computer! Hope you have your new one by now. ~Lili

  5. No snow at my sister's so your's must have melted by now. There didn't even seem to be much snow in the foothills of the Cascades this morning. I'm happy to be here, it's suppose to be 18 below for a high tomorrow at home :o)



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