
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Oh My - More!!

I just finished shoveling the sidewalk and the driveway to the car - it is not all that cold out - the snow is fairly light and now the sun has come out and it is spectacular!

So of course I had to take more pictures . . .

I think the bunches of snow on the branches look like antlers with velvet . . .
or cotton bolls . . .

A stump in the neighbor's yard . . .

Deer prints in the snow in the back yard . . .

A magical fairyland of snow . . .


  1. It does look very pretty. It's just that in our part of the country, significant snowfalls disrupt things too much...people lose hours of work (and lose pay, in the process) as places need to close because roads can't be properly cleared. When that happens, it causes hardship (and the related stress) for some folks...and that makes me feel really bad. Your photos, though, are beautiful.

  2. It really does look like fairyland, Jo! I just loved looking at every picture. Thanks for sharing...


    Sheila :-)

  3. Your pics are beautiful....and they remind me of that theme song way back when, for the show 'Here come the brides.' Do you remember it? "The bluest skies you've ever seen are in Seattle...."

    What a lovely day you had! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Ohmygosh, yes a fairyland of snow and so beautiful against the blue sky. Love the shots of the backlight branches. Gifts from Mother Nature, so perfect. Take care and have a great week.

  5. Wow these pictures are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing them.

  6. Indeed.
    Snow certainly is a mixed blessing.

  7. Love the photos, Jo. They are just so beautiful!!It really does look like a wonderland. Mother Nature certainly does know how to make our world look breath-taking!!!

  8. It is a fairyland - I really do love snow, when it's not blowing adn too cold to get out and walk in! Beautiful photos!

  9. I never can stop myself either from capturing that lovely white stuff! We're expecting another nice storm tomorrow. Your snowy images look magical. ~Lili

  10. National Geographic is looking for photographers! You will be picked...fabulous photos!
    It only lasts for such a short time though...

  11. Freshly fallen snow is always beautiful to look at - though to be honest I'd rather look at it in other people's phortos for the rest of the winter:)

  12. I love it when the sun comes out and shines on the new snow. I'm happy to not have to shovel it though :0)



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