
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Birch Bay

We woke up today to sunshine - and 30 degrees. It was the first sunshine we've seen in some time - mostly we've been having a LOT of rain. We had some errands to run - and halfway through the shopping errands we decided to take a ride up to Birch Bay to see if there were any ducks on the bay. We saw a nice sized flock of Tundra Swans on the way and in some of the flooded fields we saw small flocks of ducks.

The wind was really strong - but that is what kept the clouds away! We stopped along the way for a snack and the wind, combined with the temperature was enough to keep us moving briskly along.

At Birch Bay we didn't see many birds - some seagulls floating on the bay, facing into the wind and a few ducks diving and coming back up, quite a ways from shore. The drive up was splendid, we saw the twigs turning their spring red, before leaves appear, some Oso Berry trees were showing green sprouts and we even saw some pussy willows - spring must be coming soon - oh please say that it is!

We are only few miles from British Columbia, Canada and the Canadian mountains were astonishlingly beautiful today . . .

Simply breathtaking . . . and the color of the water was amazing . . .

Some of the white spots are seagulls - and some are waves, whipped up by the wind . . .

I had to get out of the car and get the binoculars out of the trunk (Ben calls them "bird-noculars) so I could look at the birds and the mountains - and the wind was so strong and cold that I was right back in the car - fast!

It was a fabulous trip!!

Where is your favorite place to go on a sunny day?


  1. Those Canadian mountains are an awesome sight! Glad you had a most deserved sunny day though after all your rain. We've had a lot of snow, but we still get sun and I think that really makes a difference in the winter tolerance level. ~Lili

  2. Those mountains are phenomenal. Just glorious! :-)

  3. A fantastic view of the mountains, love it. I did realize you were so close.

  4. There is something about a snow covered mountain against a clear blue sky. Mt Fuji is a dinky little thing compared to those peaks but when it appears around the corner or from a train or building window, or from an overpass with the sun reflected on it or sunset behind it I have to stop and take it in no matter how many times I have seen it (and even climbed it) before!

  5. Gorgeous photos! We have such gorgeous scenery around our house, just going outside is great.

  6. Beautiful photos, I didn't realise that you are so close to Canada. It's good to think that spring is not too far away now isn't it?

  7. Birch Bay was one of our favorite spots when we were young....but only in the summer LOL. Beautiful pictures of the mountains!!


  8. The coast, always the coast. I pine, grieve, hunger, lust for a day in the sea air..
    great photos as always,

  9. I've only been to Birch Bay in the summer. It looks like we need to do a winter visit sometime.

    My favorite place to go on a sunny winter day is the nearby bird refuge. On a sunny summer day is a hike, anywhere.

  10. jo, this computer is being pillish. it won't allow me to pull off the keys. the geek couldn't help which = going to the shop of the co. sigh.

    h=ppy v-d-y. code, but you know it. ;-p


    s. who will see you when i return.


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