
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Swans !!!!

Tundra Swans overwinter here and we went in search of some yesterday. The weather forecast called for some sun - though we never actually saw any - but we did see swans. You never know when you will find them - or which fields they will be in. Often we also find Snow Geese - but yesterday we didn't see one Snow Goose.

On the way to the usual places that we find the birds we saw hundreds of Swans on the opposite side of the freeway - but passed them by as we were headed in the other direction. After finding only a few swans here and there, and none close enough to take pictures - or hear them talking amongst themselves - we turned back towards home. The swans were still there in the first place we'd seen them - so we found an exit and hunted for the road they were on - and here is what we found.

The swans were enjoying whatever they were finding to eat in the flooded fields . . .

The sound of all their voices is amazing - I could sit and listen to it all day.

I tried to get some photos of the swans flying - it is hard to catch them in midair but I did get a few . . .

Just taking off . . .

Above the trees . . .

Coming in for a landing . . .

Do you have any migratory birds that overwinter near your home?

Migrations will begin soon and we'll have more interesting birds.


  1. They are such graceful birds. Take off and landing must be fun to watch when they are not in the water. Great shots.

  2. You got some great shots of them taking flight! WOW!

    We have geese here in St. Louis almost year round even though they're supposed to migrate south for the winter. Right now is the perfect time to see eagles over the Mississippi. There are bluffs in Alton Illinois where they like to perch. I haven't gone up the river road in a few years to look for them - I should do that some time before it gets too warm and they head further up the river.

  3. Swans are such beautiful elegant birds but we usually only see small groups, the migrants are usually on the coast I think. I haven't heard of Tundra swans, I wonder if we have a different name for them in the UK or are they a type we just don't get over here. We have mute, Whooper and Bewicks in the UK.

  4. I can't even imagine the beauty of seeing this many wild swans! I lived near a bird sanctuary once that had domesticated swans that everyone loved, but to see them like this. WOW!

    We have some white pelicans that migrate through Florida that I used to see when I lived in Central Florida, and that was always a treat to see them on an inland lake. But this? AMAZING!


    Sheila :-)

  5. Hi JoAnn ~ They're beautiful and oh so graceful. Loved seeing all the wonderful photos.

    ~ Blessings ~

  6. What a beautiful country side in the background.

  7. Great pictures Jo!! I see it's a cloudy day....certainly saw a lot of those when I was out there....11 of 12 days LOL.


  8. Aren't they just the most beautiful of birds! Great pictures!

  9. The swans we watch here are in a nearby refuge, and we can't get nearly this close. What a wonderful thing for you. Great pictures!

  10. Great shots Jo! It occurred to me while reading this that I have never even heard a swan call. In fact, I really have never even seen a swan out in the wild, much less a huge flock like this. What we have here on the ocean in the Winter are loons. This is where they come when the lakes freeze inland in Maine. I should probably try to snag a shot of one, but there aren't that many here. ~Lili

  11. We have swans and many other water birds wintering in Japan. It has been a worry this year with bird flu present. I took the Scouts to a large pond in the city last Saturday for animal identification. We don't have many wild animals running around Tokyo but we get mixed flocks all winter and plenty of varieties.(every now and then a "lifer" for the list.) The kids had no trouble finding 12 varieties in the first few minutes!
    No swans other than the swan paddle boats.:-(


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