
Friday, July 22, 2011

Gardening On My Deck

I love our new deck. The railings are just right for putting flower pots on. I have the kind that fit over the railing like a saddle and have planted some of my favorites. I can see the flowers from indoors too and it brightens my day whenever I see them.

Nicotiana - sweet smelling and so dainty . . . I found these at the Grocery Outlet - the only plants they had that weren't stressed and awful looking . . .

Oh Nasturtiums - how I love you!

These are Alaska Nasturtiums - I'd not seen them before - they have lovely variegated leaves . . .

White petunias - so sweet and simple . . .

My fuchsias are about to burst into bloom - I have three large pots of them. Photos soon.
What are your favorite summer flowers?


  1. Your flowers are so beautiful. Summer flowers are hard to grow in Florida. I love impatiens but they have to grow in the shade. Most everything else will burn up under the intense sun.

  2. those are some beautiful nastursiums...they are so easy to grow and they never let me down. I also love all the summer bulbs, dahlias, gladiolas and the like. Very pretty pics, looking forward to seeing the fuschias.

  3. It's funny but I don't pay much attention to summer flowers, I love the ones that grow in the spring especially azaleas and rhodies. Your flowers are so pretty!!


  4. I'm still so happy for you and your new deck!! I love the flowers too!

  5. Beautiful flowers1 I love the nastursiums too, but haven't grown any for a few years.

  6. Looking at your flowers every day would brighten up my days, too. They are beautiful. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  7. Would you post a picture of a "saddle flower pot" please. How wide are they?
    I have a new 6" railing top.

  8. Never mind. I scrolled on down to your New Deck pictures and saw pictures of the saddle pots. What are they made of? Do they have holes in the bottoms? How do you protect the deck railing top from stains? Where did you buy them?

  9. I love nasturtiums too. My Mom planted tons of them in our garden. When I was a kid, I'd bite the tip off and suck all the sweet nectar.

  10. Every flower is my favorite. Flowers mean no snow and that's all right with me.

  11. I love the colours you've selected, and nasturtiums are among my must-have flowers each summer. Who can help but smile at their bright faces?

  12. I love all these flower photos. Have never seen those nasturtiums before and really like the foliage.

    The flowers I'm enjoying most in my yard right now are bee balm, shasta daisies, phlox and sweet william.

  13. thanks for sharing Jo. It reminded me of a friend I used to live by when I was a child. Their front border was all nasturtiums. I've tried to grow them a few times, at different houses and not had any luck. But I hadn't tried them up here yet!
    I think still my faves are marigolds...

  14. Those Alaskan nasturtiums with the varigated leaves are GORGEOUSY! These are all such lovely shots Jo. My fav summer flower has to be the hydrangea. But really it's so hard to choose just one. ~Lili

  15. OH, I love those nasturtiums!!! Great colors!

    I've never seen the varigated leaves.
    A gardening friend told me once that varigated varities are not as hardy as the original plain leaves...but in your area, that should not matter!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hi Jo! Your nasturtiums are gorgeous..they'd look good even without the blooms with those leaves. I've heard before that things grow well in Alaska because of all your sunshine even though your growing season is short. Looking forward to seeing your fuchsia's! Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by this morning!
    Maura :)

  18. Jo, I could have sworn I left you a message here, but I don't see it. WEIRD.

    Anyhow, I adore your flowers and am so glad you are enjoying the outdoors and your deck.

    I hope to be blogging more in the fall when things settle down a bit. Life has been wild, but God is good.


    Sheila :-)

  19. Those that are alive. I'll take any of them. Drought and heat here in Texas. Nothing blooming at my house.

    Your photos and flowers - so beautiful.

  20. Jo, I can't wait to see pictures of your pillowcases and the quilt they go with!


Thanks for stopping by!