
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Jahn Learns to Sew!

While Jahn's pop was busy building the deck, there was some free time for Jahn and me. I was sewing and asked Jahn if he wanted to learn to sew - and he said "YES" - so we started. First was practice on the Featherweight with paper and unthreaded needled. That went super well - and then on to practicing on some fabric with thread in the needle - again - super!!! That Jahn really does learn fast.

He knew exactly what he wanted to make. He has a favorite computer game called Mine Crafter - you fly about and dig up treasures to advance - and he wanted to make the logo as his quilt block. So he got busy designing the block.

Next came cutting templates - since it was not a simple design. I asked if he wanted to start with something a little easier but he really wanted to make this block. His goal was to make a pillow with the Mine Crafter logo on it.

I was so excited about teaching him to sew that I didn't think to get out the camera until after he had done his practice on paper, and had sewn together the three pieces for the logo. It resembles Tumbling Blocks, and he dealt with the Y seam (inset seam) like a pro. I gave a little advice, and he zipped it right up.

Next came topstitching - I know - things we don't learn until we are a bit more accomplished - but he wanted to try it.

And top stitch he did - like he'd been doing it all his life. On the very edge - straight and true - I couldn't have done it better myself.

Sewing the back and front of the pillow together - again - the 1/4 seams were perfect.

Then he decided that he wanted to embroider the words - Mine Crafter Fanatic - on the pillow - so a quick lesson in embroidery and he was off. He wrote the words in chalk pencil and embroidered them in turquoise - his lucky color.

An embroidery hoop helped . . .

Some stuffing and we have the makings for a good pillow.

Hand stitching the opening on the pillow. Can you believe he had never sewn before?

A very successful pillow . . .

Next he decided that he wanted to make a purse for his friend Nina. Nothing like jumping right in. So he picked fabric and with some instructions from Grandma he had that purse whipped up in no time.

A button for the closure . . .

Concentrating on that button . . .

And then he wanted to embroider Nina's name on the purse. His own design and great embroidery work.

All done - and posing for a silly photo!!

I am so proud of Jahn's work. Next we started a quilt - but didn't get much done on it before it was time for dinner and then they all went home. Jahn designed the quilt (again from Mine Crafters - but not with inset seams). We got the squares cut and the first two rows sewn - so this will have to wait for another time.


  1. Outstanding! Very good work and how nice that he wanted to make a purse for a friend, too.

  2. Oh gosh Jo, this reminded me of my eldest son making a pair of leopard corderoy pants...he was so proud of himself! I loved the photo shoot!

  3. Oh Jo I love this post! I already know how proud you must be of him. I think it is so fantastic and I know you must have had a blast teaching and watching him and simply spending time together too! Jahn has some serious talent. ~Lili

  4. WOW...the kid is a whiz!!! How old is he? I taught a few 5th grade boys at church how to sew this summer and they really loved it. A couple of them knew their moms had sewing machines gathering dust and asked for them to be taken out so they could use them. Maybe we are creating a revolution young man at a time!!! :)

  5. I just love kids like that! And nothing succeeds like success!

  6. WTG Jahn!!! He did MUCH better than I have ever done with a sewing machine :0) His friend is going to love that he made a purse for her. I think that all boys should learn to sew, a skill that will be needed during his bachelor years LOL.


  7. How fabulous - what a great Grandma day!

  8. A new crafter in the family. He is a fantastic job on both projects. Congratulations to him!!

  9. How absolutely brilliant, he's obvuiously inherited his Grandma's sewing genes! Bet his friend is thrilled with her purse too.

  10. Wow! I'm in awe of his persistence and his talent. The best part of this is the pictures of the pleased grin on his face. What a wonderful thing for the two of you to share.

  11. Jo, this is absolutely so neat! I love it when kids want to learn something useful. You can be so proud of him!

  12. I am so impressed. What a great kid. Such talent.
    I loved the photo essay.

  13. Wonderful post! I love seeing someone learn to sew!

    All the photos made me feel like I was right there!

  14. As someone who
    1) always wondered how quilting was done and
    2) struggles to sew on a button
    I can only say well done young man. Wonderful work.

  15. What a wonderful way for the two of you to spend the day! He is a very quick learner!

  16. PS- I can't wait to see the embroidered sunbonnet sues you make!

  17. Hello Jo!
    What a wonderful post. I think sewing is something that every boy needs to Dad could darn socks so good that during WWII the guys would trade him cigarettes for him darning their socks. Not a good thing but at the time we didn't know better. My Grandfather (his Dad) did needlework and made some beautiful tea towels. They never asked anyone to sew a button on! Your Grandson did a wonderful job on his pillow and on the purse he made for his friend...what a thoughtful young man! He's lucky to have a Grandma like you. I hope you have a wonderful Thursday!
    Maura :)

  18. My goodness - he's a natural! What a lucky fellow to have to teach him with such patience. I'm sure it made all the difference to his confidence.

  19. What a truly fun post, I smiled the whole time while reading it...his smile was absoutely awesome....what a fun grandma and what a wonderful student.....great job!

  20. How great that you were able to share your craft with Jahn. He appears very good at it too. Cannot wait to see his quilt when he finishes it. Thanks for sharing all the photos.

  21. He is very talented, and how wonderful to learn from you. When first starting out, it helps not to be told that something is above your skill level. It apparently isn't above his skill level.

  22. Look! This is so neat. Jahn is very talented, and I love seeing him creating.


    Sheila :-)


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