I only stayed for the first half of the day - it was our grandson Ben's 5th birthday party and I couldn't miss that. But I did make sure I got some of the wonderful turkey dinner that Daisy prepared for us - and some of all the other wonderful dishes.
We did our annual christmas craft. For the craft we made little fabric christmas trees - each one picking their own colors. I had made several in advance to show different colors and ways to make them. You can finish the edges with glitter, rick rack or fancy stitches - or leave them plain. They are all fun to do.

I made this one with only three layers - and added tiny rick rack - I think it is my favorite (shhhh, don't tell the other trees) . . .
And these are trees made by the quilters at the sew-in. It is fun to see the wonderful color combinations they all picked.
Then show and tell - not quite as many this time as some months - but wonderful as always . . .

This is the quilting, on the back of the One Block Wonder. JoAnn U.'s husband did the machine quilting on his long arm machine. He made up the fairy design - fabulous!!!
And our christmas carol challenge quilt. Those participating picked a favorite christmas carol and made a 22 1/2" block depicting that song for the center of the quilt. Each month we get a new instruction and have a month to complete it. By next christmas we all with have a new christmas quilt.

Susannah is our leader in this project.

Next month our group meets at the end of the month so I'll have plenty of time to catch up. Do you have a special christmas project you are working on?
I love, love, love Anacortes, WA. So fun to read your post. Sounds like you all really know how to celebrate Christmas and have a great time. Just wish I was there to join the fun.
You may want to check out my Virtual Christmas Quilt Show and have your group enter. Random drawing for prizes on December 25th. Just be sure to follow the rules if you want a chance to win.
Love those trees. Aren't you going to give us a hint of how to make them? Also loved the show and tell and that gal's husband is a VERY talented long-armer...that's for sure!!!
The trees look like a lot of fun...I like your rick rack snow one too. And I have to say those fairies are amazing...and you say a man did that...well there!
Loved seeing all of this. And I think your quilt is going to be so cute! I love the one with the family gathering the tree, too. All of them are neat!
Sheila :-)
The trees are really cute. Hey is that your new snowman cup/teapot in your header?
You always have such a great time at the sew ins......I wish they weren't so far away! I need to make a couple of those cute trees....
I loved "bringing in the tree."
It was fun going to the show and tell with you.
Are you going to do a tutorial on the little trees?
Great stuff here. Glad I stopped by.
Happy holidays to you!
What a talented group of quilters!
I love the little rick rack tree best too!
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