June 12, 2009 - what a day. It was the day of Don's open heart surgery to repair the badly damaged mitral valve - 7 1/2 hours - the waiting - the worry - the ups - the desperate downs - always held steady by our son who suffered along with me, yet helped me through it all. Thank you Rusty - I love you! And the support from our daughters and their families - the visits to the hospital - the time spent there so I could have a break now and then over the next 9 days that Don spent in the hospital - I love you!
Now - one year later -
June12, 2010 - up early, but not as early as last year. Final preparations for the day - then off the a local park when Don was doing a 5K walk with co-workers. What a way to start the anniversary!!!

A year ago we'd never have dreamed this would be where we are - what a day - what a year!!!!!
What a wonderful way to be able to celebrate such an anniversary! Enjoy life!!
You've come a long way, and what a glorious day for such a celebration! Cheers!
And we are all happy for the wonderful miracle that took place last year for Don (and your family).
Great photos Jo....Congrats Don!! :0)
What a great day spent celebrating. Glad everything is well for you know. Take care:)
What an inspiration...
What a wonderful wonderful day for you and your dear family to celebrate. Congrats to Don, I bet him and Jahn really slept good that night! The boats in that harbor behind them are beautiful! ~Lili
This is cause for true celebration! YEA!
Sheila :-)
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