Do you have trouble taking photos of your finished bed size quilts? Do they slouch on the floor - buckle at the corners, make the arms tired of volunteers who hold them up? Now maybe you don't have these problems, and have a great way for photographing your quilts, but me, I've got slouchy, buckling saggy quilts.
Well, here is a simple solution.
When we moved into our new house two years ago there was an extra shower curtain rod and I put it away in the coat closet in case we ever needed one.
When I entered my quilts in the NW WA Fair two weeks ago I had to sew hanging sleeves on the backs of the quilts so they could be displayed.
Now - put those last two paragraphs together - and we have the perfect solution at my house, for photographing quilts. Extend the shower curtain rod as far as it will go - run it through the hanging sleeve - get a tall person - or two people standing on step stools - and hold that quilt up nice and flat - no slouching - no crinkles, no uneven corners - and arms don't get as tired because the picture can be taken more quickly since the quilt is perfectly flat.
So yesterday I took a photo of one of the quilts that I had put in the fair, I didn't have a picture of the whole quilt - now I do - and I'm so happy. Wonder why it took me so long to figure this out. Next I think I'll put two hooks on the outside of the house to hook the shower curtain rod to - and no one will even have to hold the quilts up for photographing. And I can take a zillion close ups. Am I clever yet?