
Thursday, February 26, 2009

We have a bunch of winners!!!

I've finally gotten the names put on paper - cut up into little pieces and Don helped me draw some names. I enjoyed each of you that visited my blog over the past week or so - and thanks for your lovely comments on Don's health scare. He is doing great right now - just waiting for his cardiologist appointment next week to confirm that he is actually ok. Don't you just hate waiting?

OK - so you've been waiting for the list of winners - here we go!!!

We have
one set of large house blocks
one set of small house blocks
some preprinted quilt blocks
a Noah's ark baby quilt panel
and a stack of hand painted fat quarters
And one of those prizes goes to my 10,000th visitor

Sue Cahill ( no blog) was the 10,000th visitor - I do appreciate each and every one of you that made this number possible - I only wish I had something to send to each of you.
Sue will be receiving some hand painted fabrics . . .

and an angel . . .

Jackie Davis wins the Noah's Ark panel

and a hand knitted pincushion.

Purple Pam will be receiving

the pre-printed quilt blocks . . .

and a pretty purple christmas ornament - I suspect for her purple christmas tree. :-)

The large house blocks go to Dayna over at Scottie Acres.

Along with a strawberry needle keeper. . .

The small house blocks (on the right) go to The Happy Cottage Quilter
Isn't that clever - Cottage Quilter won cottages?!?

Along with a hand embroidered pincushion

Well this is so much fun I just can't stop - so Don drew another name

Vicky at Cat in the Batt (great name for a blog)

will be reciving a set of zipper bags

and an angel to watch over her new granddaughter. . .

And angels will be going out to
at Spud's Excellent Quilting Adventure
CraftyHala at Simply Sage
and Teresa at Stitchin' Friends

Ok - I think I'm done. I want to thank everyone that commented and sent emails about my milestone - this has really been fun. Can't wait and see what we will do for 20,000 visitors.

Stop over and visit all the blogs listed above - you'll find some wonderful quilts and great friends.

Oh - don't forget - I need your mailing addresses all you wonderful winners. My email is on the right side of this blog.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Make it stop!!!!

I don't want any more - I've had enough - that will do - please go away - no no no no no more snow!!!!!

Those are actual snowflakes - I've never seen such big ones . . .

More big snowflakes - poor little boat is shivering!!

It started around noon, just aftger I got home - and hasn't stopped since. We have almost 3 inches now - north of us a little ways, at our youngest daughter's new house - they have over 4 - and wind. We don't have wind. I had to drive into town to fetch Don from work tonight, we stopped at the grocery store and almost didn't make it home. We have to go up a hill, down a hill, up a BIG hill down again and then up to our house. Up here we have more snow than anyone (except our daughter) I want it to stop. I want spring.

At Don's work I saw a pot of daffodils with big fat buds - I want daffodils, and pansies, and violets and sunshine and warm - I don't want snow!!!

Don doesn't want snow either - he had to get out the snow shovel - he thought it was retired for the year so he put it way in the back of the shed.

Shoveling out so he could get to the car to unload the thrift store treasures I got today. . . He's a good sport!

My crow is wearing a snow hat again . . .

So how is your spring weather? Ours is pitiful, to say the least. Ok, I know it isn't spring really - but I'm a CA girl and I just can't get it out of my head that we should have some warm sunny days in February - bulbs popping up - birds nesting. Back to reality - WA has a late spring - especially this far north, so I dream of sunshine and daffodils and robins and little boys running about in the yard - and I see. . . . . snow.

Drawing Soon - and one more great prize

So sorry about not getting to the drawing - I am still taking names.

There has been some excitement around here - on Saturday I went to a sew-in in Anacortes - about an hour southwest of here. Don goes with me and putters around the town - antique stores - thrift shops - library - lunch out, and sometimes stops by the sew-in to "chat with the girls". Well, he hasn't been feeling super lately - some little episodes of faster, harder heartbeat and a tiny bit dizzy - though never both symptoms at the same time.

While at Anacortes he had more and more symptoms and felt worse and worse after each one - sort of like the flu. It only lasts a few moments - but he decided he had had enough and we rushed off to the ER - they monitored and tested and poked and prodded - and nothing. They ruled out a lot of things - but couldn't find out anything for certain - and of course no episodes while in the ER.

So he is back to his normal schedule - has seen his primary care physician - is waiting for a visit to the cardiologist next week and things are still hectic. Seems all we have done lately is run to doctors - today I have a dermatoligist appt, and then we are done except for figuring out this dizzy thing.

So that is why no drawing - I need to get all the names written on slips of paper and do a drawing - hopefully very soon - so have patience.

I've added another drawing - since you've all been so patient about this. A small stack of my hand painted fabrics will be added to the other prizes listed in the previous post - they are just lovely. You can see some of my crazy quilt blocks made with these hand painted fabrics. The colors I'll be giving away aren't necessarily the ones in the photo (just had that photo handy) - but it will be a lovely little stack of fat quarters. So leave a comment and/or mention this on your blog - and get more chances to win. Drawing soon!!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Almost to 10,000 - give-away!!!

We hit 9,901 visitors this morning. I changed the counter after several blogging friends gave me advice - on how to count unique visits - and how to get stats from the counter. I guess the one I had on there was old and the stats weren't coming through any more. I've enjoyed every single visitor that has been to my blog.

So yesterday I got some great things to give away - some for the 10,000th visitor - and some for a random drawing.

Away we go - - - - -

If you leave a comment you will be included in the drawing - and even some of those who commented on past blog entries will be entered. I love comments and appreciate so much those who comment on the regular posts I do. If you list my give-away on your blog - I'll give you 2 more chances - and if someone mentions your blog as the way they found my give-away - three more entries. I'll have to be organized in my list of entries - but you know me - I love lists.

For starters - I have some preprinted quilt blocks - just the thing for a quick project - wallhanging, table topper, pillow - whatever you can think of for them. You could add some other blocks - or borders and make them bigger - all kinds of ideas come to mind when I see these pretty blocks. There are two blocks with a Victorian Doll, four Log Cabin blocks and one flower wreath block.


Three block - 12" squares. . .

All the pre-printed blocks will be one prize - the dolls, the log cabin, the flower wreath and the three blue blocks.

A second drawing for a give-away - these house blocks I made. I found the pattern at Freda's Hive and just couldn't resist making them. Warning - if you go to Freda's Hive blog you may never get out. She has the cutest ideas and the best projects - and she gets so much done - you will want to wander around in that blog for a week. So please come back if you can - but be sure and enjoy her blog.

I made so many of these blocks - made some into potholders for friends - and kept some for myself (don't you just love that snazzy red binding?) These are NOT give-aways - just ideas of what you can do with the little house blocks.

I still have two stacks of blocks to give away - some the small size and some the larger size. I did the first batch according to the measurements given on Freda's Hive, then decided to make some smaller ones for the potholders I wanted to make. I really liked the smaller size. With the great instructions at Freda's Hive I was able to just cut down the measurements she gave and have the smaller blocks. There all sorts of things you could make with these blocks - more potholders - trim on aprons - quilts - tabletoppers - candle mats - oh so many ideas!!! Don't you really want them???? I knew you did. So I will draw two names for the house blocks.

We aer up to four give-aways now - the 10,000th visitor - the pre-printed blocks and two draws for the house blocks - are we having fun yet????

Ok - one more drawing and that is it . . .
I think . . .
This cute panel for a baby quilt or wallhanging. Noah's Ark is always popular and the colors are delightful. Use it like it is or cut it apart and add more fabric or blocks to make it bigger. Such Fun!!!

Just to make this more fun - I am not telling which gifts will be for the 10,000th visitor and which will be for the drawings - just to keep a little suspense.

So leave a comment - stop back and see if you are visitor 10,000 (you will have to tell me - even with the new counter I don't have that capability - so number 10,000 speak up!!!!).

Extra chances to win . . .
Post my give-away on your blog and get two more chances - and tell your friends to mention your blog for three MORE extra entries. I expect a lot of fun - and a lot of list making - and some happy recipients. I love give-aways.

Not sure of the day of the drawings - but soon - I'll let you know!!! After the 10,000th visitor I will set a deadline for the other drawings - so get your comments in - post this to your blog and get your friends to come over and visit. I expect a big party. Belinda is already dancing and singing to get us started and Pam is purple with excitement!!! I love purple!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

10,000 Visitors - WOW

I started blogging on July 5, 2007 - thinking this would be a great way to chronicle my quilt making. And it has been - and so much more. I've met wonderful friends - I've done things I didn't know I could do - I've found great projects and patterns - I've "traveled" to distant lands through the blogs of those who share so willingly - I've discovered areas within myself that I didn't know existed and improved areas that have helped change my life immensely. And it has all been because of you - my good blogging friends. I've met friends far away and friends right here in my own town.

In honor of all the goodness and friendship and help and sharing I'd like to give something back. How about a give-away? Maybe some quilt blocks - maybe some fabrics - maybe, who knows, I'll have to dig around and see what I can come up with. I have constantly been amazed at how many visitors I have on my blog - and the places they come from. All over the world -as my feedjit shows on the sidebar. Sometimes I have to Google the names of the countries as I have no idea where they might be - and with that Google search I learn more about those countries - broadening my life experience through your visits. Thank you for coming - and thank you to those who leave wonderful comments. I have been so fortunate in the comments - not one grumpy or mean or ugly comment. I just knew all you fabulous people were out there.

I think there should be two give-aways. One for the 10,000th visitor - and you will have to tell me who you are as I have no way of keeping accurate track of who that would be - and one from a random drawing - because 10,000 visitors is such a great number. I don't have as many posts in those almost two years as some other do - but I think 130 posts is great for me. I am in awe of those of you who post every day - without fail - what an achievement!!!!

I've blogged about
lighthouses . . .

and leaves . . .

flowers . . .

and friends . . .

Quilts I've made . . .

And quilts you've made . . .

Mushrooms . . .

and mushy stuff . . .

Snow . . .

and sunshine . . .

And more snow . . .

and even more snow . . .

Kids . . .

and Grandkids . . .

Fabrics . . .

and fun stuff from thrift shops . . .

About birds . . .

and more birds . . .

Camping . . .

and curious bears . . .

Deer . . .

And delicious food . . .

about crafts . . .

and christmas trees . . .

Napkins . . .

And nifty gifts won from other bloggers . . .

It's been great pleasure - all this blogging and visiting blogs - so be ready for the 10,000 visitor blog give-away - and you never know which set of comments I will be taking the random drawing from - this one? a past blog comment? a future blog comment? Surprises all around - and if you are the 10,000 visitor - please let me know!!! I'll post more about the random drawing give-away soon - gotta go and hunt up some good stuff to give away!!

And thanks so much for visiting my blog - and for the wonderful comments I've receive from all of you!!! Thanks friends!