Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Debi is having a Fall Into Fall Quilters Blog Give-Away - and I am part of that. Stop over at her blog and find out more about this. A bunch of quilters will be having give-aways and you can find links to these wonderful give-aways at Debi's blog. Hurry on over - join in the fun.

I will be giving away a nice little box of things - here is the beginning of what I'm giving - so stop by often and see what has been added to the box. The drawing will be on October 15, and to be entered in the drawing I would like to know more about you - and what is a favorite thing that you like about quilting - or a clever story about quilting - or something wonderful you have discovered while quilting. So just a comment saying "I want to be in your give-away" will NOT get you entered. I love to hear good stories - long or short - about your quilting experiences - good and not so good - so come along - leave a comment about something quilty - a favorite, a clever story or something wonderful. Let's have a good time sharing our quilty moments. If you don't have a blog - be sure and leave your email so I can contact you about your prize if you win.

The first thing I'm putting in the box is this

A set of three zippered bags mesh bags that I made with quilty fabric - the sizes are coin purse, wallet and make-up bag. You can use them for stitching supplies, buttons, coins - just about anything you would put in a little bag to keep organized.

Next item is a knit pincushion in lovely fall colors - I knit this with the help of my three year old grandson - he likes to pull the yarn out of the skein as I knit. Sometimes he gets ahead of me and we get tangles, but it is such fun to have him help. So stop by and see what else I will add to this fun box - maybe some fat quarters - maybe some quilting supplies - who knows what - and leave your comment about quilting - this is going to be fun.


*karendianne. said...

Very cute.

Debi said...
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Debi said...

I wanted to post a comment that met your requirements. My favorite thing about quilting, is sharing my projects with my online friends. I have been blessed to meet several wonderful quilters from online forums and blogging that I would never have met if it was not for my love of quilting. Great prizes also!

Anonymous said...

Well, something about quilting. I'm good a paper-piecing, absolutely a failure at needle turn applique and i love how it looks (when others do it!)I love how handquilting looks too!
Thanks for a chance to win your giveaway!

cedar chest quilts said...

I like your idea of "adding " to the giveaway (I think I'll borrow it). My favorite part about quilting is pulling out the fabric, cutting the pieces and STARTING to piece. So I do that more that actually finishing my quilts. But since it is for my enjoyment and sanity--I just "don't worry, be happy". I also piece slowly (on the machine) and just enjoy the process. Please enter me to win your handmade goodies. Angie

Ly + Alan said...

I think this is an awesome giveaway - and by "adding" things every few days it'll be a surprise - what a wonderful idea. I am new to quilting and I love it because it has really brought me a lot of happiness...it teaches me patience and I love to create new things and see my ideas come to life. It's also great to create a gift for someone and spend the time making it and thinking about it. Please enter me in your giveaway. (lyannab at gmail dot com)

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

What a wonderful giveaway! My favorite thing about quilting, Easy, I love to hand quilt, no frame, all cozy on my lap with a good movie to watch as I quilt.

Jeanne said...

Love those screen bags! I love to applique and enjoy retreats with other quilters. I've met so many wonderful people from around the world because of quilting. I can't imagine my life without it.

Donna said...

my favorite thing about quiting is the memories the fabrics bring back.... For instance in the fall I often think of my very first uit which was in wonderful orange and brown colours... it was one I did with my gran -- all hand quilted. I was doing a fiber arts class at my school, but in the end I didn't get credit for the project because it was a cheater cloth before those were acceptable... :-(

Kim said...

my favorite part of quilting is seeing the look of joy on receipiants face when receiving a quilt :) Hope I win ;)

Sunny said...

Well, I fell in love with quilting because I have a bit of OCD. Quilting is great for me because it is very mathmatical and precise. I am self-taught mostly. I have taken some classes, but that was after I did enormous research before even buying my first sewing machine. I have to learn as much as I can about something before I give it a go!

Anonymous said...

What I love about quilting is the quiet solitude I enjoy sitting at my sewing table, looking out the window at the ever changing scenery. I love your giveaway, thanks for playing.

~Bren~ said...

Quilting for me is all about the hand quilting process. I do everything else to get to that point. My machine hates me...she is a witch...and beeps at me relentlessly! My thimble on the other hand is a part of my anatomy!
I have often thought whole cloth quilts were the way for me to go, but I have never made one....yet...
Your prizes look great...excited to see what you add. Feel free to pull my name!

Karen said...

One of the things I love about quiltingis the fabric and the colors...so much can be done with so little ...and I love paperpiecing....

Purple Pam said...

Just one story is difficult. One of my favorite parts of quilting is attending quilting classes. It is so enjoyable for me to see all the different color combinations that everyone uses to make the same pattern. Some are my favorites, and some I would not have chosen to put together, but they work. This is always such a revelation to me!

Unknown said...

Quilting is very new to me. I have wanted to quilt for years. So I have jumped into the deep end to start. I just purchased a new Grace home quilting frame and a machine to go with it. Its all set up in my living as that was the only place it would fit in.... in my old farm house. Now I have this great looking gadget and I don't know the first thing about using it... silly ole me... I guess I should bite the bullet and take some classes :) I am sure that would be a great idea unless there are some great Tutorials here on the net? If you know of any you could leave that information on my blog. My email address is on my profile :) Thank you
Please enter me into your drawing.

Anonymous said...

Your giveaway things are very cute!!!
I love quick quilts that look amazing! I don't have the patience for difficult quilts. lol

Sue Cahill said...

Quilting has been my refuge from the craziness of life for more than 20 years. I try to find time each day to quilt to preserve my sanity. Last February I was hit by a car and suffered head and shoulder injuries. I couldn't go to work so for the first time in my life I had time but I couldn,t physically do much of anything. I can now sew and quilt and I am healing nicely, God has certainly been kind to me and my sanity is slowly returning.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Terry said...

I'd love to be entered in your giveaway! I made some quilts many years ago but in the chaos of being married and having small children, I somehow let quilting get away from me. I've decided this is the time in my life when I'm meant to get back to it, and I've so enjoyed seeing so many beautiful and inspiring quilts online. I've just cut out pieces for a new quilt and hope to get started sewing on it yet this week. :0)

Paula said...

One of my funniest quilty stories is about Mrs. Jones. She was 70 years old and had always wanted to learn to quilt. I was teaching her to handpiece...using templates, drawing the sewing lines on fabric. I gave her two pieces of fabric and explained everything. We were making a nine patch.

I wasn't watching her...and when she announced she was done cutting out everything, I looked over and saw that she had cut all 9 pieces out of the same red fabric....talk about low contrast! LOL She got so tickled at herself.

She is no longer able to quilt, but we sometimes visit and laugh about her first attempts at quilting. She did end up making several quilts for her grandchildren and even learned to use several different fabrics in each block!

Norma said...

My husband is my biggest support when it comes to quilting. When I was appliqueing a Sunbonnet Sue quilt for our grand daughter, he had been laid off his job and home with me. He helped me pick the colors for each Sue. We were in a fabric store looking at fabric together. One of the ladies that worked there walked by and he stopped her and asked, "Do you have any fat quarters?" She did a double take and I thought she was going to hit him! Then she laughed and said there were just a few. Got to love a man that is at home in a fabric store!

Dionne said...
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Anonymous said...
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Kelly said...

My very first quilt top, from my first class, is still a top. After probably 100 quilts/and smaller items, it's time to get this top quilted this winter. I love all fabrics so this top still interests me. Ü I love that you are going to be adding goodies to your giveaway. Someone Ü will be a lucky winner. Kelly

Lavinia said...

Hi! very fun giveaway!! I love quilts for a long time but it hasn´t been till this year that I got the chance to actually LEARN how to do it!! last month, while looking into old things at my mom´s I found some blocks I´ve made ages ago: they are horrible!!!! haha, imagine, I had no idea on how to cut, or piece, nothing! I also didn´t have a mat or a rotary cutter! I´m keeping those blocks anyway, oh I´m such a sentimental....
Thanks for this giveaway! Please visit mine too!

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

I have lots of stories but the one that is most fitting for this particular time is just how much my mother and dad and I came to enjoy going to the quilt show together in Fort Dodge, Iowa. The show takes place this weekend and is held every other year the first weekend in Oct. My dad would come along and always encouraged my mother and I to make sure we had seen all the quilts before we went home. One year my son even came along. Sadly, my dad passed away this past spring and I have been home to Iowa so many times that I just couldn't make it for this weekend's show. My mom reminded me about the show last night. I am thankful she taught me to sew and that my dad thought it was so much fun to encourage us. He often said he was the proudest when my mom had made matching outfits for me and my sister - and sometimes my mother, too - and if he went off to farm auctions, he always checked to see if there were quilts or boxes of fabric to buy. I was really blessed to have him for my dad. Sorry, I got so sentimental. Would love to win your gifties so please enter me in the drawing!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about quilting is seeing everybody's beautiful and creative designs on their blogs! Thank you for entering me in your giveaway!
maumauisginger at gmail dot com

Dee said...

I am so excited to share quilting ideas, patterns and fabric with my Grandaughter. She is now 8, but has been quilting since she was 5. He first sewing project for 4-H won reserve G.Champion - yea - we are now working on a quilt for her new bed. I love sharing, retreating, and guild. Dee - jessibir@hickorytech.net

Midlife Mom said...

One of the things I like about quilting is how you can walk into a class of 10 women, not knowing one of them but before the class is over you are all talking and laughing and it's like a bunch of old friends! It happens every time!

~Niki~ said...
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Joyce said...

Please enter me in your giveaway. My favorite quilting story is the time my bestfriend came to visit. Before she left we set up a three rail quilt frame so I could get started hand quilting my triple irish chain. Unfortunately we chose the night before she left to do all this. She was adamant that we roll the quilt to the center and work our way out to the top and then the bottom. Having never use this frame before I went along with everything she said. The next day when I went to roll the quilt forward, I couldn't get past the already completed quilting. Oh dear...you guessed it, I had to take all the hand quilting I had done out. I then called a neighbor that another neighbor told me did quilting. She came over, helped me rip out all those stitches and we started over at the front of the quilt. We became very good friends after that. She was an older lady and meant the world to me. I've never met a quilter that wasn't willing to give you hand when you need it.
joycee2561 at yahoo dot com

Mary Grace McNamara said...

Years ago, I discovered what wonderful things can be done with leftover fabric from other projects or gently used clothing. I have made lots of crib size quilts and also one super huge quilt out of leftovers. Very frugal and creative! Can't wait to see what else you will have in your giveaway!


StitchinByTheLake said...

My current favorite thing to do is to embroider blocks and then make quilts with those blocks. But it's interesting to me that over time my tastes change, and then sometimes change back! Some months all I want to do is applique, other months it's hand piecing, and, of course, right now it's embroidery. Quilting fills all my stitching needs! blessings, marlene

mrs.mommyy said...

I grew up with quilting in my blood- I have my great granmas quilt in fron of me right now- I love quilting though I got burned out of all crafts and took a chill, and now I am back roaring to go

Winona said...

I love the whole quilting process. I am a hand quilter and just love sitting in my rocker, quilting away. I took up quilting 2 years ago when we became empty nesters. My dh told me to find something I liked to do and become passionate about it. I took his advice. (grin)

Lyn said...

My favourite thing about quilting would be the hunt for the right colours for a particular quilt.Love to be in the draw for your giveaway. Regards Lyn

Becca said...

I've got a mega king quilt waiting for quilting. I'm hoping to get it all done before it gets super cold!

Julie said...

What fun! My quilting story is how I got into quilting. We were moving to Idaho for the summer and I had a new baby. I had sewn all my life and had not been exposed to quilting. My husband forced me to go to a weekly hand quilting group his mother belonged to. Quilting was for old ladies! Seriously, I was 28, the next youngest person there was 60. I went and it took me most of the summer but I developed a love of hand quilting. Over the winter back in Oregon I pieced a quilt and then let's just say an addiction. I have made hundreds of quilts of all sizes and I remind DH my quilting is all his fault!

Corinna said...

What a great idea to add something everyday to your giveaway. :o)
My quilting story happened when I was about 5. My gma was just getting into quilting and I told her that me and my brother needed her to make us some quilts because "we only had those cold things called blankets." lol So she made us quilts as well as several of my cousins. Years later she's still quilting and has started a quilt for my parents. She was also the one who got me started with quilting.

Julie said...

I am not a quilter but I so love quilted things. I am learning to sew and knit right now. I hope to move into quilting soon. :)
I have a beautiful handstitched quilt made my aunt in Alabama. It is lovely blues and reds and yellows. When my mom brought it home to me I cried it was so beautiful. I was trying my best to treasure it and treat it with kid gloves. The problem is my kids enjoyed the quilt as well. They love to snuggle under it and watch tv or use it as the roof to make their chair houses pretty. My aunt told me one day to let the children enjoy the pretty quilt. She said that when I wash the quilt I will give in character that will mean more to me than a pristine quilt. :)

Dawn said...

Good idea on the giveaway. Let see...quilting...I made my first quilt when I was 12. You can see it on my blog. I love my kitty sleeping while I am at my sewing machine. She keeps me company.

Karen South said...

Quilting ... let's see ... I love everything about quilting and my passion is crazy quilting.

Karen said...

My favorite part of quilting is ...binding ( I know, wierd, huh?) It surely didn't used to be until I finally figured it out and now I love to bind...I have a stack of UFO's that need binding that have been waiting for YEARS...and I am making my way thru them. It's like having all new quilts again! Love the box prize idea!

Jan said...

My favorite story about quilting is about all the friends I have made through quilting--not only on-line through forums (I have actually met some of these peole and they are wonderful friends now), but going to a Sit N Sew group that meets every Tuesday at a quilt shop near here. We laugh and visit and eat and share each others problems (quilting and other). What fun!

swooze said...

I would have to say that I have grown to love handwork. I have a sometimes very stressful life and have found that doing hand work sort of takes me away from it all and calms my mind.

Gari in AL said...

What do I love about quilting? I love that it has given me the ability to be an artist. My quilts are utilitarian, for the most part, but they are pretty and keep me and most of my family warm. I just love quilting!!

SandyQuilts said...

My favorite part of quilting .... well 95% of my quilting is for charity. I see their happy faces in my mind. Please enter me.

Rose said...

When I first started to quilt, my budget for buying fabric was sooo tight since I had three young kids and all. I spent a month or more deciding on the pattern I would use and once I purchased the fabric I would lay it all out on my cutting table and just stare at it. It took me that long to get the nerve up to cut it. I was terrified that I would cut it wrong and then there would be no way for me to replace it. Duh! I've learned that it doesn't matter. If I mess it up I can always alter the pattern and make it work. Quilting has taught a freedom I never thought I would ever find. I love it!


Deb said...

I'd love to enter your giveaway. Something about quilting...I began a log cabin quilt when I was expecting my son. It's still not finished, and he will be celebrating his 23rd birthday in a few weeks! Must. Get. It. Done.

Needled Mom said...

Please count me in for the great giveaway.

My favorite thing about quilting would have to be the wonderful friends that I have met through this craft. Whether they be in my guild, on the internet or someone who has stopped to ask what was I doing, all have been nice people.

Marilyn Robertson said...

I love going through my fabric stash to pick the best fabric to include in a quilting project. Then to see if my choices were wise or not is always fun. Well, maybe not fun if I didn't choose well, but at least I learn from my mistakes. Thanks for entering me into your giveaway!

Loralynn said...

What is my favorite part of quilting? Well, I love the "putting together" of a piece. Especially since my Mom has started to sew with me. She comes over, we set up our machines and away we go! Most recently we made Halloween table toppers, I just have to finish the binding.

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway!! Your bags are fabulous!! Please enter me to win. I am mostly a cross stitch/hardanger enthusiast, however, I did hand-quilt a baby throw "by accident" many years ago. I wanted it to be very "lofty", so when I got ready to machine quilt it, of course, it wouldn't feed through my machine, hence I was forced to hand-quilt it. It was hard work and I stuck myself many times and bled on the sweet little quilt - a fact that the owner was very proud of. I haven't quilted since then, but would like to start incorporating some of my stitching into quilty-type projects. I love the look of the pieces at Country Garden Stitchery (http://www.countrygardenstitchery.com/) and think I could do some of that. Thanks again, brdstitcher at gmail dot com

Tangos Treasures said...

Great giveaway!!
I love meeting quilters & sharing ideas!!
Thank you for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about quilting is all the incredible people I've met along the way. From quilt shops to the blogging community, it has just been so uplifting to read about and meet so many just plain nice people. Thank you for the opportunity to win! Your blog is really great.

della said...

Quilting is responsible for me making wonderful,new friends after relocating to DE just a couple of years ago. Fortunately for me the closest quilt guild was literally around the corner fom our new home. Four girls from that guild have since drawn me into their weekly bee and have made me feel very welcome. Things can be difficult at home, I might be anxious about my son's job prospects, or money may be tight, but one day a week I am assured of a happy time with these new friends


Myra said...

My favorite thing about quilting is choosing the fabrics for a project. I love playing with fabric! I am in North Carolina where we are just starting to see the pretty colors of fall.

Lucky Girl said...

I'm not a quilter, so coming up with my favorite thing about quilting is going to be impossible. I've always wanted to learn to quilt--the patterns and colors fascinate me--and I think if I lea]rned to quilt that picking out the fabrics and arranging and rearranging them would be my favorite part.

Sue H said...

My favorite thing about quilting is all the connections I've made with other quilters. We meet regularly Wednesday afternoons, but most weeks we've managed to squeeze in extra sewing at someone's house, a quilt show, a trip to a quilt shop, etc. It's much more than a hobby -- it's a way of life!

Deb said...

I love the whole process of quilting, from the designing aspect to the last stitch on the binding. Thanks for the opportunity of participating in your drawing.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I would set for hours and watch my Grandmother quilt. She made so many beautiful things. Great give-away...m.

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about quilting is trying something new with every quilt! (I will never enjoy the binding though.)

Marit Johanne said...

I will love to join your generous Give away. Two years ago I was visiting my friend in US, then I bought a piece of just the same quilty fabric as you have used at the zippered bags! I have used it to a quilted bag, so your small bags will fit perfect to my bag!
Marit from Norway

julieQ said...

Thank you so much for your generosity. One of my quilting stories involves when I was a scribe for the judges at our local quilt show. I had a small quilt entered in the competition. The judges sneered all over it and said "look at all the cat hair" (I don't have a cat). I was such a good girl and kept my mouth shut and wrote their comments. I still love the quilt, it is my favorite!!!

maggie said...

Qulting has always been a part of my life even before I knew how to quilt. My mom was a quilter but for many years I had no interest in it.It was only when my daughters grew up that I found my way into it. My mom passed away 5 years ago and it became my connection to her. It is my stress reliever as I try to deal with the happenings in my own life in recent years.
Great giveaway.

Linda said...

Great giveaway prizes. I have so enjoyed reading all the comments. I love quilting and am amazed at how many wonderful people I've met through quilting. Here at home as well as the internet. We live in a wonderful time that we can just punch some buttons and see what women are doing in Norway or Spain or California or Texas. We can learn new things by watching an online video (quilting class) or we can even talk to our friends online. We can go to someone's blog and learn from a tutorial that this quilter has put together to share with her cyber-friends. I for one, enjoy all the quilting and sewing blogs and meeting all the nice people that so willingly share their knowledge of their craft. I don't feel so alone or small in this big old world, thanks to all the people I've met thru the World Wide Web and quilting.

I can't honestly say what part of quilting I like the best cause I like the whole process. From picking the fabric out to finishing the quilt with the binding and a label. I love it all...I just enjoy seeing the quilt come to life with the quilting on it too. It's just so satisfying to finish.... Thanks for having this giveaway. I will visit again, hugs, Linda

Cheryl Pasquier said...

What I love about quilting is that you can never do it "wrong" - if the lines go wobbly, call it country - if you run out of one fabric, mix and match with another !

cherylpasquier2002 at yahoo dot fr

QuiltNut Creations said...

that pin cushion is so cute!

quilting relaxes me. i've always said it keeps me sane lol.

Anonymous said...

i think the one thing i enjoy about quilting is picking out the fabric. i am very indecisive so i spend a lot of time just exploring fabrics, cutting them up and deciding on the layout. i would say that is the most enjoyable part for me rather than the actual work that needs to be done to put it together!

fertawert AT yahoo DOT com

StampinCathy said...

Lovin your giveaway. One thing I like about quilting is putting all the pieces together and seeing the end result. It's just like a puzzle. Thanks for a chance.

Krista said...

1 thing I love about quilting...I don't have just one. I love knowing that I am doing something the my grandmother loved to do. Sometimes I get carried away picking out fabrics then I have so much fabric and can't remember how or what I was going to make with it!

Regi said...

My story about quilting is this... I had always wanted to learn it but thought it would be impossible to learn. I am not really a sew'er.. and so thought it wouldnt be something I could ever do. I admired quilts from a distance and had quilt making envy. My eldest daughter her junior year of highschool took a quilting class at school and they made log cabins. That summer she taught her mom how to quilt. It will be something we always share.

Please enter me into your drawing... thank you!

Kristie said...

Such a wonderful prize package! I love learning new things in quilting. I have recently learned to paper piece and LOVE it!

Christine Thresh said...

That pin cushion looks good enough to eat.
I'm not in your contest, but just wanted to say hello.

Donna said...

I am new to quilting, so I don't have any good stories about it. My grandmother used to quilt all the time, and I love those quilts.

Danielle said...

I am new to quilting so I do not have any great stories yet, but I will tell you what my quilting plans are. I have 4 children and I am a recovering packrat. One way to help me get rid of things is for me to know they are going to be well used. I have saved some of my children's favorite shirts and cut out large sections of the front panels to make a quilt for each of them. I plan to give the quilt to them when they turn 18. The oldest is almost 8 now so I have a good 10 years to make the first one, BUT I need to start using up the fabric I have as part of my "recovery" or I have to throw it away. Therefore, I have major incentive to get started quilting ASAP.

ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com

Janice said...

What a great giveaway. My favourite part of quilting is the finished product!! I love it when it is all finished and I can give it away or enjoy it in my own home. I love snuggling under a quilt knowing I made it all myself.

Linda in PA said...

I love quilting. I have always loved fabric, the feel of it, the colors and patterns. I enjoy the process of making things. The added bonus is that I end up with nice items to use in my home or to give as gifts. The past 2 1/2 years I have been busy making baby quilts and other assorted baby items. I just finished a flannel rag quilt for my third grandaugher who was born this Tues.

Pam's Pride said...

My favorite thing about quilting is the memories I have of my grandma from my childhood. My grandma used to have a quilt shop in her home and she babysat my sister, brother, and I while my mom worked and I remember her sitting at her quilt frames for hours and hours pouring over the quilts! And now my mom has several of her quilts hanging in her house on walls and I love seeing them!

Pat said...

My favorite thing about quilting is that the long-time quilters I've met don't look down on beginners. I had worried about that initially, but they've all been nice and taught me there are NO quilt police. My best moment came when I was asked to show how I do binding at a quilt guild demo AND a lot of the long-time quilters were thrilled and have adopted my method and let me know how much easier and neater my method is. What a happy moment for me...and I knew I "belonged" to this sisterhood of quilters! LOVE your bags and pincushion and how CUTE to involve your grandson that way.

Anonymous said...

My favourite thing about quilting is that you can do it almost anywhere......

that and meeting all the quilters through their blogs

bison61 said...

my grandmother made a quilt for each of her grandchildren-I love mine! So I decided to do the same, I'm busy working on the second one-they are still young so I have time!

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

kathipink said...

I love that quilting makes me feel like I am an artist painting with fabric. I can then wrap myself in the painted canvas.

Cindy @ Creating at Home said...

A few months ago I found a wonderful tutorial online for making scrappy log cabin blocks with foundation piecing. Since then I have made many many of these blocks and I just love it! Its so nice to be able to turn all those little scraps into something beautiful.


Wilma L. said...

I love pieceing quilt tops. It is just fun to see the pieces form such a beautiful work or art!
Please enter me into your drawing!

Jackie's Stitches said...

I'm a new quilter. Taking my very first class! What I've loving so far is pulling out the creativity that is inside me. I didn't know I had any! :)

libertythreads said...

I love being able to create someting with fabric and thread and the whole quilting process.

Narelle said...

I love that quilting runs in our family. My mother quilts, I quilt and now my daughter has the quilting bug.

a.simple.life said...

I've been quilting for 7 years and I still find it amazing (and incredibly rewarding) when tiny pieces of fabric fit together to create such beauty. And, when they don't, hello seam ripper ;-)!! Thank you for a great giveaway. a.simple.life@live.com

Amanda said...

My favorite thing about quilting is feeling like I am continuing a family tradition. My grandmother and my husband's grandmother both quilt and I am the only one to keep the tradition. It is nice to know that I can make something useful and beautiful myself and not have to buy everything from a store! Thanks for the giveaway!

Jill said...

My favorite thing about quilting is that it is my relaxation. Just to sit at the machine with the ipod blaring and singing and sewing, not much better. What fun.

Cleary (Cie) said...

I discoved that I can sew a straight line, when I was little my Mom sewed all of our clothes and she tried to teach me to sew. I couldn't sew a straight line seam if my life depended on it. Well, when I started getting into quilting I took a class at my LQS and learned about a 1/4" seam and guess what? I make a straight line. The first thing I made after my class quilt was a table topper for my mom. I sent it to her and she called me and asked if I had really really made it myself:-). I told her yes, and she said it's about time I grew up enough to sew straight.
I love sewing now along with my other crafts. Please add me to your giveaway.
Cleary K.

Sue said...

What a lovely giveaway!

I've met some awesome people quilting! One friend I met on the internet, she flew from CA to IL so I could teach her to quilt "the right way". She stayed in a hotel for a couple of days that first visit, but came back a few months later and stayed at our house for a week.

I love everything about quilting, but am most warmed by the wonderful people I've met.

Pattie said...

Since I started quilting 18 months ago, I've found that I AM a creative person. I never admitted that about myself. Working with fabric and putting together quilt blocks has freed my inner artist! She may not be really good at it, but she sure has fun!

Thanks - and happy October!

cookiekenney said...

I was making a quilt for my son and his fiance without them knowing. I kept showing them my beautiful quilt. They really loved it. So the day of the wedding when they opened up their present the look on their face was priceless. They didn't even suspect. Thanks


Kritta22 said...

I love surprising people with quilts that I have been working on right under their noses. Like my best friend is getting aquilt from me for Christmas and she help picked out the fabrics! He he

fernbell said...

I have made some of the evenlope style quilts that my sons have claimed as soon as they seen me making. I think my oldest is a blanketholic. I have a quilt and some throws given to me as presents and I usually find them in his room. I am in the process of making a quilt for each of my sons. My oldest's quilt has tigers and youngest will be wolves. The funny thing with youngest is that we decided to do the back as all different squares of fabric and after get them cut he gets to arrange them. I love when we go shopping now as if he sees a fabric he likes he wants to get it to add to his quilt. I think I have enough to do 2 backings lol. He is 14 and oldest 17, gotta love them lol.

Just Susan said...

My favorite story is my first baby quilt. I thought if I put a lot of batting in it would be cosy. Well. it was too thick and would have smothered my baby. Less is more definitely. ~Susan

Anonymous said...

I like to make crazy quilts. I just found a pattern book which youa re finished(like a bisquit quilt) when you last square is finished. I can't wait to try it - oh to find hte time.:^)Janeyjoop

Cherold said...

I love almost everything about quilting...except sandwiching the quilts. But I guess I love the fabrics most of all!!
